2単位 カーニー マイケル 准教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ]
- <授業のねらい及び具体的な到達目標>
- The aim of this course is to foster within the students a deep understanding of how the commodification of things and beings has developed over the course of human history and how this affects the human condition.
The course will be conducted in English.
(JABEE学習・教育到達目標) 「システムデザインプログラム」 (D)国際的にも通用するコミュニケーション力,リーダーシップなどの社会・人間関係スキルをもつ技術者・研究者を育成します:◎
JABEE基準1の(2)の内容 (a),(b),(e),(f),(g),(h),(i):○
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- The Commodification course analyzes the forces at work in the process of transforming goods, services, ideas, and people into commodities: any thing or being intended for exchange, any thing or being that has an economic value.
The course will examine the following: the shift from hunter-gather society to agrarian; development of barter systems; development of monetary systems; cross cultural and transcultural exchange systems; the commodification of art, concepts, and beings; primary, secondary, and tertiary production; age of Informatisation. It is hoped that through a keen understanding of the processes of commodification, students will develop a better understanding of the economic forces that dominate contemporary societies, govern the current human condition, and frame the construction of today’s human identities.
Weekly Plan Week 1: Overview of course; defining commodities, exchange, commodification Weeks 2 – 3: Hunter-gather societies; shift to agrarian societies; barter systems; monetary systems Weeks 4 – 5: defining and examining egalitarian social ethē and socioeconomic strata Weeks 6 – 7: Cross cultural exchange; transcultural exchange; colonial systems Week 8: Economic theories: neoclassical economics (free-market capitalism); Keynes Week 9: Hardt & Negri: economic paradigms – primary, secondary, and tertiary production Weeks 10 – 11: Commodification of humans: slavery, employee – time and productivity Weeks 12 – 13: Commodification of art, data, ideas, knowledge – Informatisation Weeks 14 – 15: Commodification in the contemporary and future
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Grades will be determined through homework, course work, participation, and projects.
- <教科書>
- No textbook is required for this course.
- <参考書>
- Reference sources will be discussed in class.
- <オフィスアワー>
- Shinjuku Campus (A-2737): Wednesday & Thursday 12:30 - 13:30 and by appointment.
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