
応用統計学特論(Applied Statistics)[0011]

村山 立人 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13


This is an introductory course to applied statistics. It is intended for those with little mathematical background. By the end of this course, you should be able to understand and use the concepts in probability theory, statistics, and beyond. We would increase a student's capacity to understand the role that mathematical sciences play in the real world to make well-founded decisions as a potential engineer. To illustrate, the student should comprehend the methods of statistical hypothesis testing and interval estimation as well as the notion of p-value. The method of ANOVA, or the analysis of variance, the Bayesian inverse probability approach, and some topics of Independent Component Analysis would also be mentioned in the latter part of this lecture course.

1. データの縮約と記述統計 / Descriptive Statistics
2. 標準偏差とその応用 / Standard Deviation
3. 正規分布と推測統計 / Normal Distribution
4. 仮説検定と区間推定 / Hypothesis Testing and Interval Estimation
5. 標本平均と大数の法則 / Law of Large Numbers
6. 標本分散とカイ二乗分布 / Chi-squared Distribution
7. t分布による仮説検定と区間推定 / Student’s T-test
8. p値と帰無仮説 / Null Hypothesis and p-value
9. 順位相関と相関係数 / Correlation
10. 回帰分析 / Regression Analysis
11. 分散分析 / Analysis of Variance
12. 因子分析 / Factor Analysis
13. ベイズの定理 / Bayesian Statistics
14. 独立成分分析 / Independent Component Analysis


The student should demonstrate his/her ability to handle basic exercises by submitting a report at the end of the class.


Lecture notes will be available for downloading prior to the lectures.


I would recommend the above book for reference, if any.


Please use the following address for further information.
Email: murayama@eng.u-toyama.ac.jp


It is quite essential that you understand a high school level mathematics beforehand. Private study time is also an essential complement to our work in the course, which would improve your understanding of the subjects.

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