
量子物理学特論(Advanced quantum theory)[2406]

進藤 哲央 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13


In this course, we learn the basics of the quantum field theory, which is necessary for explaining the physical phenomenon at the world of atoms and subatomic particles.
A goal of this lecture is to understand the basic ideas of the theory and to calculate a process with scalar fields.

  1. 特殊相対性理論
  2. 量子力学からクラインゴルドン方程式へ。
  3. ディラック方程式と反粒子の波動関数
  4. ラグランジュ形式
  5. 対称性と保存則
  6. エネルギー運動量テンソルと角運動量テンソル
  7. 内部対称性,CPT対称性
  8. 場の正準量子化
  9. 量子系の時間発展
  10. スカラー場の量子化と演算子
  11. 場の演算子の時間発展
  12. スカラー場の伝播関数
  13. ディラック場とゲージ場の理論
  14. 振り返り

  1. Special relativity
  2. Quantum mechanics revisited (From Schrödinger equation to Klein-Gordon equation)
  3. Dirac equation and a wave function of anti-particle
  4. Lagrange formalism
  5. Symmetries and conservations
  6. Energy-momentum tensor and angular momentum tensor
  7. Internal symmetry, CPT symmetry
  8. Canonical quantisation
  9. Time evolutions in quantum system
  10. Quantisation of scalar fields and field operators
  11. Time evolution of the field operators
  12. Propagator of the scalar field
  13. Dirac field and gauge field
  14. Reviewing of this course.

The grade is based on the quality of written reports.

日置善郎 『相対論的量子場』吉岡書店

There are so many text books about the quantum field theory. Please find an appropriate one by yourself.

場所:八王子キャンパス 1S-323

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