
生物資源化学特論(Bioresource Chemistry)[3102]

藤井 克彦 教授  
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13


Materials derived from plants, animals, and microbes (bioresources) have been used by human beings, particularly in industries, as valuable and renewable resources. Recently, the resources have been evaluated again for their possibility to an increase in crop production, development of new nutritional foods, alternative of fossil fuels, and the remediation of environmental pollution. This lecture provides students chemical aspects of bioresources as well as their future prospects for industrial applications.


On completion of this course, students attending this lecture are requested to understand the chemical structure and characteristics of bioresources as well as their potential for industrial applications.

1. 生物資源化学概論(overview)
2. 動物資源@−畜産資源の生化学
3. 動物資源A−新たな食用生物資源・昆虫食の生化学
4. 動物資源B−新たな食用生物資源・代用肉の生化学
5. 動物資源C−水産動物資源の生化学
6. 植物資源@−セルロースの生化学
7. 植物資源A−デンプン作物の生化学
8. 植物資源B−油糧作物の生化学
9. 植物資源C−海藻の生化学
10. 微生物資源@−発酵食品の生化学
11. 微生物資源A−機能性食品の生化学
12. 微生物資源B−バイオプラスチックの生化学
13. 微生物資源C−バイオ燃料の生化学
14. 学習の振りかえり

1. Overview of bioresource chemistry
2. Chemistry of animal husbandry
3. Chemistry of insect diet
4. Chemistry of meat substitute
5. Chemistry of marine animals
6. Chemistry of lignocellulose
7. Chemistry of starch crops
8. Chemistry of oilseed crops
9. Chemistry of seaweeds and algae
10. Chemistry of fermentation
11. Chemistry of neutraceuticals
12. Chemistry of bioplastic
13. Chemistry of biofuel
14. Review of the course


Students must submit short reports at the end of every lecture about bioresource chemistry. Attendance and reports are scored and students who got over 60 % will get grade.



八王子キャンパス17号館 17-256室
火曜日 12時50分〜13時50分


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