
結晶化学特論(Crystal Chemistry for Materials Science)[2204]

佐藤 光史 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13

The general theory of X-rays spectroscopy including single crystal X-ray structure analysis and structure determination of polycrystalline thin films will be learned in this lecture. The reaction process for solid materials, and structure, composition, form of the materials in the viewpoint of chemistry will be explained. The basics required to understand properties and functions of new material will be learned.

Understanding the basics of crystal chemistry is a target for this lecture. Especially, the principle of the structure analysis, how to use, and what kind of information will be provided by the X-ray diffraction will be learned. The relation of the crystal chemistry and your research will be presented during the lecture.

<Preparation for the lecture>
Please revise the trigonometric functions and vectors in order to understand this lecture.

1. 天然の結晶と結晶の合成、結晶とアモルファス、単結晶と多結晶
2. 化学結合と結晶の成り立ち、典型的な結晶構造と特徴
3. X線分光学 (1)光学の基礎、物質と光の相互作用
4.      (2)X線の発生、分光、検出、測定光学系
5.      (3)原子の構造とX線スペクトル、周期表とモーズリーの法則
6. 分子と結晶の対称性(1)対象要素と点群、空間格子と単位格子
7.          (2)結晶系とブラベー格子
8.          (3)空間群と表記法、逆格子
9. 結晶と回折  (1)結晶によるX線の回折、ブラッグの法則とミラー指数
10.       (2)原子散乱因子、結晶構造因子、回折強度
11.       (3)単結晶による回折と結晶構造
12.       (4)多結晶による回折と結晶の分析
13. 実験方法と解析例:CIFとICDDカード掲載の結晶情報の読み方
14. 研究プレゼンテーション・論文紹介(1)
The main subjects are as follows. But not only limited to these subjects but also reading the literature and familiarizing yourself with the equipment.
1. The natural and synthesis crystals, amorphous and crystal state, single and polycrystals
2. Crystal structure and the characteristics
3. X-ray spectroscopy
(1) Optics, material, and the light
4. (2) X-ray generation, spectrum, detection, and measurement
5. (3) Structure of the atoms and X-rays spectrum, periodic table and Moseley’s law
6. Molecular and crystal symmetry
(1) Point group, space lattice and unit cell
7. (2) Crystal system and Bravais lattice
8. (3) Space group and notation, reciprocal lattice
9. Crystal and Diffraction
(1) X-ray diffraction with crystal, Bragg's law and mirror index
10. (2) Atomic scattering factor, crystal structure factor, diffraction strength
11. (3) Diffraction and the crystal structure of the single crystal
12. (4) Diffraction and the analysis of the polycrystal
13. Method and analysis: How to understand CIF and the ICDD cards
14. Presentation, article introduction (1)
15. Presentation, article introduction (2)

Assessment will be done through a presentation and three reports. More than 60 points are required to pass the examination.

総説,"Heat treatment in Molecular Precursor Method for Fabricating Metal Oxide Thin Films"
<Text, Subtext>
Copies of related academic papers and electronic materials prepared.
Copy of "Heat treatment in Molecular Precursor Method for Fabricating Metal Oxide Thin Films"

<Study-aid book>
Masanori Kato「X線回折分析」Uchida rokakuho
Kittel「固体物理学入門」Maruzen (Introduction to Solid-State-Physics by Kittel)
Toshio Sakurai「X線結晶構造解析の手引き」Shokabo

原則として毎週火曜日13:30〜14:30とするが,在室(八王子;4号館703号室)時は,いつでも質疑を受け付ける。E-mail: ft10302@ns.kogakuin.ac.jpでの問い合わせを受け付ける。
<Office hour>From 13:30 to 14:30 every Tuesday at building No. 4, room 703. However, I welcome your questions anytime if I am in the office. I also accept your questions by e-mail. (E-mail: ft10302@ns.kogakuin.ac.jp)

Students from different majors attend this class in recent years. I hope active exchanges between the attending students. When you will be absent from the class due to academic meetings, send the information to me by email before the lecture.

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