
機械材料シミュレーション特論(Advanced Mechanical Material Simulation)[4203]

菱田 博俊 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13

 After the Fukushima nuclear power plant trouble, in my opinion, we should understand that science is a double-edged sword with both human progress and ruin and that it is necessary for sincerity to the science, appreciation for nature, and humbly accepting human's lack of power in order to avoid ruin.
 In the field of nuclear engineering, since the object is large and dangerous, the experiment is not easy to be carried out in many cases, and numerical simulation is a very important research tool. In this lecture, the thermal fatigue strength prediction of the first wall of the fusion reactor is taken as an example and a concrete methodology for carrying out it by numerical simulation will be explained. Many elements which support the completion of the research are shown.

 On the first day, I will give you papers on constitutive equation written by English. You should introduce their outlines in the end.

 it is sufficient to deepen the understanding of constitutive equation and its parameters, neural network, finite element method analysis, thermal fatigue, and so on.


You are sure to attend the 1st time, please. I will give you very important information for the class.
Every time, we conduct training in English translation.
Every time submit a small report.

1日目 導入・全体論 introduction
2日目 原子力工学(電力) nuclear engineering (electric power)
3日目 原子力工学(核) nuclear engineering (nuclear)
4日目 討論=原子力発電は必要か discussion = Are we need a nuclear power generation?
5日目 非線形材料特性とその構成式(応力と歪) inelastic material properties and the constitutive equation (stress and strain)
6日目 非線形材料特性とその構成式(弾性) inelastic material properties and the constitutive equation (elastic)
7日目 非線形材料特性とその構成式(粘塑性) inelastic material properties and the constitutive equation (viscoplastic)
8日目 熱疲労現象の有限要素法による数値シミュレーション(原理) Numerical simulation to predict thermal fatigue phenomena (principle)
9日目 熱疲労現象の有限要素法による数値シミュレーション(応用) Numerical simulation to predict thermal fatigue phenomena (application)
10日目 ニューラルネットワークを用いたパラメータ同定(総論) evaluation of the parameter set of the constitutive equation by neural network (general)
11日目 ニューラルネットワークを用いたパラメータ同定(原理) evaluation of the parameter set of the constitutive equation by neural network (principle)
12日目 討論=人工知能は必要か? discussion = Are we need a AI?
13日目 諸君の英論文プレゼン your presentation
14日目 授業の振り返り lesson review

No examination.
evaluation will be done by discussions, presentation and small reports. You will know the detail on the first day.

Not specified. You will get a paper on nuclear engineering written by English.

Not specified.
Key words : elast-plastic theory, fatigue, thermal fatigue, numerical engineering, structural design, AI, neural network.


Thursday 14:00 to 15:00
E-mail to at13307@ns.kogakuinac.jp

Enjoy the combination of basic theory and advanced technology!
have an opportunity to get used to English!

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