
音響振動学特論(Sound and Vibration Theory)[3501]

山本 崇史 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13



Industrial structures such as automotive, railways and home appliances are forced to vibrate in operation by external forces generated from combustion engines and electric motors. Low vibration and sound pressure level must be secured in the design process to improve quality of structures. In this class,basic and advanced theory and modeling for mechanical vibrations and sound pressure generated from the structural vibrations are lectured.

1. ガイダンス,機械構造物の振動 (Overview and fundamentals of mechanical vibrations)

2. 1自由度系の自由振動・固有振動数 (Free vibrations and eigen frequency of 1 dof structure)

3. 1自由度無減衰系の強制振動 (Forced vibrations of 1 dof structure with no damping)

4. 1自由度減衰系の強制振動 (Forced vibrations of 1 dof structure with damping)

5. 2自由度系の振動 (Free and forced vibrations of 2 dofs structure)

6. 固有値と固有モード (Eigen values and eigen modes of 2 dofs structure)

7. ダイナミックダンパーによる振動制御 (Dynamic damper)

8. 平板の振動 (Vibration of plate)

9. 音響の基本理論 (Fundamentals of acoustics)

10. 自由空間における音響放射および鏡像原理 (Sound propagation in free field)

11. 閉空間における共鳴周波数および共鳴モード (Resonance and its mode in close cavity)

12. 微小空間における音の伝搬と減衰 (Sound propagation in small space)

13. 吸音および遮音 (Sound absorption and transmission))

14. 音・振動連成 (Structure and acoustic couple)

Pass over 60 points for several reports and exercises.

Not specified.

振動工学(基礎編,応用編)安田仁彦著 コロナ社
機械音響学 安田仁彦著 コロナ社
Not specified.

火曜日 17:30〜18:30 (八王子校舎12号館103室)
講義前後は教室で対応.メールでは随時対応.アドレスは at13358@ns.kogakuin.ac.jp.
Every Tuesday 17:30〜18:30 at 12-103.
Any time by E-mail to at13358@ns.kogakuin.ac.jp.


Noise and vibration performances are extremely important to secure quality of mechanical products. Although mathematical equations seem to be complicated, equations of motions, which you have studied in high school, are the origin of all governinf equations. It would be a point to imagine vibration and sound pressure distributions

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