
高分子成形加工学特論(Advanced Polymer Processing)[3301]

西谷 要介 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2019/12/13


This is a graduate-level polymer processing. This course lectures the basis of polymer processing. It is necessary for understanding the polymer processing to comprehend the relationship between the processing, structure and physical properties of polymers and polymer composites. This course focuses on the following phenomena of polymer processing, especially 1. Polymer rheology (viscoelastic properties), 2. Thermal properties of polymers, 3. Structure of polymers, 4. Physical properties of Polymer, 5. Fundamental and theory of polymer processing, 6. Various polymer processing method.


Student learning outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to understand:
1) Fundamental ant theory of polymer processing
2) Basis of polymer rheology
3) Relationship between the processing, structure and physical properties of polymers and polymer composites

1.高分子材料の成形加工 概要(成形加工の概念,流す・形にする・固める)
2.高分子成形加工の基礎1 材料(種類,特徴)
3.高分子成形加工の基礎2 流す(流動化)プロセス
4.高分子成形加工の基礎3 形にする(形状付与)プロセス
5.高分子成形加工の基礎4 固める(固化)プロセス
6.レオロジー1 レオロジーの概要(応力,ひずみ,弾性率など)
7.レオロジー2 流動特性
8.レオロジー3 粘弾性
9.レオロジー4 レオロジーと成形加工
10.高分子成形加工の応用1 各種成形加工法の原理と理論
11.高分子成形加工の応用2 CAE 保存則
12.高分子成形加工の応用3 CAE 構成式
13.高分子成形加工の応用4 最新トピックス

1. Introduction of polymer processing (Concept of polymer processing, Flowing, Foaming and Solidifying)
2. Basic of polymer processing 1 Materials
3. Basic of polymer processing 2 Process of flowing
4. Basic of polymer processing 3 Process of foaming
5. Basic of polymer processing 4 Process of solidifying
6. Polymer rheology 1 Strain, Stress and Modulus
7. Polymer rheology 2 Flow properteis
8. Polymer rheology 3 Viscoelasticity
9. Polymer rheology 4 Rheology and polymer processing
10. Application of polymer processing 1 Principle and theory of various polymer processing
11. Application of polymer processing 2 CAE, Conservation law
12. Application of polymer processing 3 CAE, Constitutive equation
13. Application of polymer processing 4 The latest topics of polymer processing
14. Reviewing of the course


Student’s course score is based on exercise problems (30%), presentation (40%), and final report (30%).

Not required.

「流す・形にする・固める(テキストシリーズ プラスチック成形加工学T)」,プラスチック成形加工学会編,森北出版
「最先端プラスチック成形加工シリーズ第4巻 先端成形加工技術T」,プラスチック成形加工学会編,プラスチックエージ
“Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials, Vol.1 Polymer Rheology”, C. D. Han, Oxford University Press
“Rheology and Processing of Polymeric Materials, Vol.2 Polymer Processing”, C. D. Han, Oxford University Press


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