
Basic PBL A[4505]

矢崎 敬人 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
矢崎 敬人 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
矢崎 敬人 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
矢崎 敬人 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
中島 幸雄 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
新井 敏夫 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
雑賀  高 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
カーニー マイケル 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
中山 良一 非常勤講師  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
高木  亮 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
吉田 賢一 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
足立 節子 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
桂 晃洋 特別専任教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
三木 良雄 教授  
南雲 紳史 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
菱田 博俊 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
八戸 英夫 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
遠藤 和義 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13



 「事故事例」をJST失敗知識データベース(JST :Japan Science and Technology Agency)等から各自が調査・研究し,発表することによって,過去の経験事例に学ぶ.失敗事例は技術的な知識不足,マネジメントの欠落等から生じているので,両者を学ぶ機会でもある.

 提示された「モノづくり」の課題を通じて,(1)アイデアの具体化(P),(2)実際のものづくり(D),(3)グループの競争(C),(4)反省(A) のプロセスを経験する.各週PDCAサイクルを回すように,新しい制約条件が付加される.簡単な工作を通じて,各種の制約条件を如何にしてクリアするか,また複数のアイデアをどの様に集約して作り上げるかを学ぶ.





By participating in different parts of the course, the student will develop:
· Basic knowledge and problem-solving skills in a wide range of settings,
· Learning skills, creativity, management ability that are needed to solve real-world problems,
· Communication and debate skills through group discussion, and
· The ability to work in teams

The aims of the different parts of the course are as follows.

Case studies
The students will study cases including those that the lecturers actually experienced. For each case, they will: (1) set out the issues and constraints, (2) propose how to solve the problems at hand, (3) write a report, and (4) discussion the case from a wide range of angles. By going through this process a number of times, the student will be able to simulate real-world decision-making as well as learn from the perspectives of the lecturers and other students.

Failure cases
The student will each be required to study a case from the JST Failure Knowledge Database in detail and report on it in class. The student will learn how lack of technological knowledge and lack of proper management give rise to failure.

Manufacturing project
The students will work in teams to create a product to meet the requirements under certain conditions, both to be set out by the lecturers. The teams will (1) conceptualize ideas (“plan”), (2) make an actual product (“do”), (3) compete with other teams (“check”), and (4) review the process and make improvements (“act”). New constraints will be introduced each week. By taking part in this relatively simple manufacturing exercise, the student will get a first-hand experience of how to meet requirements, how to work within constraints, and how to synthesize different ideas.

Debate is a form of discussion. It requires the participants to share ideas with others and discuss and a topic from contradicting standpoints and verify the different points of view, and, through this process, the participants will expand their own thoughts. In this part of the course, the student will learn to read a text accurately, to analyze and discuss the different issues involved, and summarize the analyses and discussions. The student will learn to think critically and develop communication skills that are the bases of understating each other. Work assignments will be announced through KU Port.

Academic reading
The student is required to read carefully though the text specified in advance. It will be discussed from different perspectives in class. The student may be required to make a presentation or to submit a report on the text. Work assignments will be announced through KU Port.


1.事例研究(1) 4/12 中島
2.事例研究(2) 4/19 菱田
3.事例研究(3) 4/26 新井
4.モノづくり(1) 5/10 菱田,中山
5.モノづくり(2) 5/17 菱田,中山
6.モノづくり(3):報告会 5/24 菱田,中山
7.研究テーマ報告会 5/31 新井,桂,雑賀,中島,三木,八戸,吉田,菱田,足立,カーニー,南雲,高木,遠藤,矢﨑
8.事例研究(4) 6/7 桂
9.レポート・論文の書き方 6/14矢﨑
10.ディベート(1) 6/21 足立
11.ディベート(2) 6/29 足立
12.ディベート(3) 7/5 足立
13.研究テーマ報告会 7/26 新井,桂,雑賀,中島,三木,八戸,吉田,菱田,足立,カーニー,南雲,高木,遠藤,矢﨑

1.失敗事例(1) 9/11 新井,中山,三木,桂
2.失敗事例(2) 9/18 新井,中山,三木,桂
3.失敗事例(3) 9/25 新井,中山,三木,桂
4.失敗事例(4) 10/2 新井,中山,三木,桂
5.失敗事例(5):報告会 10/9 新井,中山,三木,桂
6.研究テーマ報告会 10/16 新井,桂,雑賀,中島,三木,八戸,吉田,菱田,足立,カーニー,南雲,高木,遠藤,矢﨑
8.事例研究(1) 11/6 矢﨑
7.輪読(1) 11/13 足立
9.輪読(2) 11/20 吉田
10.事例研究(2) 11/27 雑賀
11.輪読(3) 12/4 高木
12.輪読(4) 12/11 矢﨑
13.研究テーマ報告会 12/18 新井,桂,雑賀,中島,三木,八戸,吉田,菱田,足立,カーニー,南雲,高木,遠藤,矢﨑






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