
標準化戦略特論(Global Standardization Strategy)[3509]

加藤 幹夫 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13

「標準化を制するものは世界を制す」と言われるように、新技術分野では企業経営戦略上、国際標準化は重要な一要素になっている。まず標準の歴史に立ち返り、提唱された理論と具体的展開の事例から、標準化の概念を整理する。つぎに国際標準化システムの枠組みと国際標準獲得までの流れをISO(International Organization for Standardization)を中心に理解する。後半では、事例研究をとおして自らが標準を考える能力を醸成し、標準獲得の手法を体得する。


In the advanced technology fields, international standardization is one of the important elements in the business strategy of enterprises. Therefore, sometimes it is said that one should control the global standards in order to control the world.
First of all, the concept of standards is considered from the history and theory of the standardization and the concrete standardization case study. Next, the framework of the international standardization system and the flow to establish international standards are lectured, using the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) system.
In the second half, enhancement of the ability to think the standard is aimed under the various situations, and the standard acquisition methods are studied through the case study.
As mentioned above, by understanding of the necessity and importance of international standards, it can be acquired a part of the knowledge necessary for business in a globalized economic society. In addition, the exercise of debate to understand how to behave to get leadership in the meeting will be carried out through the roll play. And human resources development related to the international standardization is also one of the targets of this course.

Education achievement target in System Designe Program :
(D) Engineers and researchers who have social and human relations skills such as international communication skills and leadership skills will be developed: ◎
JABEE level 1-(2);

1. ガイダンス、グローバル化と標準の歴史
2. 代表的な標準化理論とその背景
3. デファクトとディジュール
4. 標準化の枠組み(国家規格、地域規格と国際規格)
5. わが国の標準化システムと国際標準化戦略
6. ISO/IECディレクティブ概説
7. 国際標準化活動からみた国際競争力の評価
8. 近年の標準化の傾向分析
9. 標準化と特許の関係
10. マネージメントシステム規格の現状
11. 国際標準化の事例研究−成功例と失敗例
12. 国際標準化と経済的効果
13. 国際標準化会議の実際:ロールプレイ(コンセンサスを得ながらリーダシップを発揮する)
14. 振り返り

Education menue in class ;
1. Guidance, History of globalization and standardization
2. Typical standardization theory and its background
3. De facto standard and de jure standard
4. Structure of standards: National standard, regional standard and international standard
5. Japanese standardization system and national standardization strategy
6. Overview of ISO/IEC directives
7. Study on international competitiveness related to the international standardization activity
8. Trend of recent standardization
9. Standardization and patents
10. Management system standards
11. Case study of international standardization: success and failure examples
12. International standardization and economic effects
13. Roll play of the international standardization meeting: Leadership and consensus
14. Review of the course
Note: The order may be changed by some reason.


Achievement level of students for the purpose of the course will be evaluated comprehensively by exercise, report and so on. Passing mark is over 60 points.

Text will be prepared by teacher

・ISO/IEC Directives

・ISO/IEC Directives
・International competitiveness and global standards
・Standardization science of 21 century
・Basic knowledge of ISO standards
Note: Title of each referrence is translated by teacher of the course, so it may not correct.

30 minutes before and after the class respectively at the lecturer room

Contact to:mikio_kato1117@kra.biglobe.ne.jp
Please contact to the above freely.

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