
Presenting Technological Research in English[3304]

カーニー マイケル 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13

The purpose of this course is to instruct post-graduate students studying in the technological fields on how to prepare and present their research in an English format.

The course will be conducted in English.




The course will focus on the following key points:

Organizing research for presentation
Making an outline
Identifying and highlighting key points
Producing an abstract
Stressing the aims, methods and key points of your work

Writing a paper for a conference
Creating a logical progressive argument
Making transitions between sections of the research

Presenting a paper at a conference
Addressing an audience
Intonation, enunciation and speech speed
Gestures, posture and eyes.

Responding to questions.
Lateral thought.
Non-confrontational responses.

The course will operate through three modes: lecture, workshop, and practice. In the lecture mode, the instructor will present the various minutiae of writing a paper for, and presenting a paper at, a conference. In the workshop mode, the students will prepare their research papers under the instructor's supervision. In the practice mode, the students will present their papers to the class in a simulated conference environment.

Grades will be based on students' written papers and on their presentations.

None required

Title: Technical Writing and Professional Communication For Nonnative Speakers of English: Second Edition.
Authors: Thomas N. Huckin and Leslie A. Olsen.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill International Editions, Technical Writing Series. Singapore, 1991.
ISBN: 007030825X

Shinjuku Campus (A-2737): Wednesdays & Thursdays 12:30 - 13:30 and by appointment.

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