
Intercultural Interaction[4301]

カーニー マイケル 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13

The aim of this course is to enhance the critical thinking process when considering cultural constructions, the achievement of which will foster a non-logocentric method of analysis within the students.

The course will be conducted in English.




This course will operate as a seminar where the students will be introduced to the major principles of Critical Theory and Cultural Studies. These will then be applied to myriad cultural constructions such as: customs, religions, histories, texts, art, film, music, economic practices, and social structures. In this course, students must be willing and active participants who engage the materials intently; if this occurs, then students will develop a global hodological map that will assist them in intercultural interaction.

Grades will be determined through homework, course work, participation, and projects.

No textbook is required for this course.

None required

Shinjuku Campus (A-2737): Wednesday & Thursday 12:30 - 13:30 and by appointment.

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