
情報学先端技術特論(Advanced Topics in Informatics)[2210]

蒲池 みゆき 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13

In modern society, the Information Technology (IT) is necessary for our daily life. IT, however, is being applied on a broad area with research fields and products’ developments. In this lecture series, we will welcome several lecturers from a Japanese field-leading lab of advanced technology (NTT Communication Science Labs) will make outstanding talks on their research topics. Through this lecture, you will notice and gain the knowledge and the advanced research development on the real field.

Pre- and post- studies of the topics are necessary for participation. Your assertive Q(and A) are the most welcome.

Kamachi will make the guidance on the 1st lecture and introduce the lecturer in each term.
(Each lecture in English shows) Title of the talk : Lecturer (his/her title and affiliation)

1.9月11日 講師:山田武士(NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 所長)
講演題目: 「コミュニケーション科学」概要
Overview of communication science: Takeshi Yamada
(Head of NTT Communication Science Laboratories)

2.9月18日 講師:柏野牧夫(フェロー スポーツ脳科学プロジェクトマネージャ)
講演題目: スポーツ脳科学
(September 18) Sports brain science: Makio Kashino
(NTT Fellow, Head of Sports Brain Science Project)

3.9月25日 講師:古川茂人(人間情報研究部長 感覚共鳴研究グループリーダ)
(September 25) Exploring "hidden" auditory mechanisms: Shigeto Furukawa
(Head of Human Information Science Laboratory / Leader of Sesory Resonance Research Group)

4.10月2日 講師:西田眞也(上席特別研究員 人間情報研究部 感覚表現研究グループリーダ)
(October 2) Shitsukan and vision science: Shin'ya Nishida
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Leader of Sensory Representation Research Group, Human Information Science Laboratory)

5.10月9日 講師: 五味裕章(上席特別研究員 人間情報研究部 感覚運動研究グループリーダ)
(October 9) Brain information processing on sensorimotor control system: Hiroaki Gomi
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Leader of Sensory and Motor Research Group, Human Information Science Laboratory)

6.10月16日 講師:柏野邦夫(上席特別研究員 メディア情報研究部長)
(October 16) Media information processing and the art of algorithms: Kunio Kashino
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Head of Media Information Laboratory)

7.11月6日 講師:中谷智広(上席特別研究員 メディア情報研究部 信号処理研究グループリーダ)
講演題目: コンピュータにより音を聞き分ける技術
(November 6) Technologies for recognizing sounds by computer: Tomohiro Nakatani
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Leader of Signal Processing Research Group, Media Information Laboratory)

8.11月13日 講師:永田昌明(上席特別研究員 協創情報研究部 言語知能研究グループリーダ)
(November 13) Neural machine translation: Masaaki Nagata
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Leader of Linguistic Intelligence Research Group, Innovative Communication Laboratory)

9.11月20日 講師:澤田宏(上席特別研究員 協創情報研究部長 知能創発環境研究グループリーダ)

講義題目: 機械学習
(November 20) Machine learning: Hiroshi Sawada
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Head of Innovative Communication Laboratory /
Leader of Learning and Intelligent Systems Research Group)

10.11月27日 講師:納谷太(企画担当主席研究員)
(November 27) Real-time sensing and big-data analysis: Futoshi Naya
(Head of Research Planning Section)

11.12月4日 講師:小林哲生(主幹研究員 協創情報研究部)
(December 4) Understanding process and mechanisms of infants' language acquisition: Tessei Kobayashi
(Distinguished Researcher, Interaction Research Group, Innovative Communication Laboratory)

12.12月11日 講師:守谷健弘(フェロー 守谷特別研究室長)
(December 11) Coding for speech and audio signals: Takehiro Moriya
(NTT Fellow, Head of Moriya Research Laboratory)

13.12月18日 講師: 谷誠一郎(上席特別研究員 メディア情報研究部 情報基礎理論研究グループリーダ)
講演題目: 量子コンピュータと量子通信
(December 18) Quantum computer and quantum communication: Seiichiro Tani
(Senior Distinguished Researcher, Leader of Computing Theory Research Group, Media Information Laboratory)

14.1月22日 授業の振り返り (担当教員: 蒲池みゆき)
(January 22) Inventory of the lecture series: Miyuki Kamachi


The grade is evaluated at the total point of the report etc. required by the lecturer every time. Since the report submission method will be informed every time, you should check it by attending the lecture.

なし Unspecified

Unspecified (Lectures might suggest books and/or websites)

Please contact to Miyuki Kamachi by email: miyuki[@]cc.kogakuin.ac.jp

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