
建築設計インターンシップ1(Internship Program for Architectural Design 1)[0018]

筧 淳夫 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13


Students carry out the supporting jobs of the architectural design at the offices of the qualified architect of the first class, for four weeks (about 180 hours) during the summer or winter season of the 1st year, or four weeks (about 180 hours) during the summer season of the 2nd year. Students must give a final presentation on the internship experience at an open session.
Note: The internship at the office of the student’s supervisor is not allowed.

1. 事前準備・受け入れ一級設計事務所の特徴研究
2. 建築実務概要及び業務マネジメントとは
3. 専門分野の実務(1)委託業務内容・コミュニケーション能力・企画能力
4. 専門分野の実務(2)プロジェクト運営業務
5. 専門分野の実務(3)様々な法令との関係・計画全体の進め方と設計実務
6. 専門分野の実務(4)基本設計・実施設計・監理
7. 実務経験   (1)意匠・構造・環境設備・造園
8. 実務経験   (2)積算・工事契約・工事監理
9. 実務経験   (3)建設現場
10. その他の特約業務
11. 労働安全と衛生
12. 公開報告会での発表

1. Introduction and preparation of internship
2. Outline of professional architectural design
3. Understanding the architectural design process 1
4. Understanding the architectural design process 2
5. Understanding the architectural design process 3
6. Understanding the architectural design process 4
7. Job training of architectural design 1
8. Job training of architectural design 3
9. Job training of architectural design 4
10. Job training of architectural design 5
11. Job training of architectural design 6
12. Presentation on the internship experience

Students must write daily report on the achievement of the job experience under the supervision of the qualified architect of the first class. Finally, the students also must submit the final report, and give a presentation on the internship experience at an open session.



火曜日 13:00〜14:00 (新宿校舎25階筧研究室)
Tuesday 13:00〜14:00 (kakehi lab., 25 floor, Shinjuku school building)

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