
電力・新エネルギー特論(Electrical Power and New Energy Source Engineering)[4207]

野呂 康宏 教授  
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13


The use of the renewable energy is promoted for a low-carbon society. The student deepens the understanding of the latest technique mainly on an expected new energy generation system.

<Specific goals>
The student will understand required constraints and task when connecting a new energy generation system to an electrical power system.
The student will deepen an understanding about the technologies and equipment about representative new energy power generation systems.
The student will understand the theory and the system of a fuel cell that the high efficiency use of the energy is possible.
The student will know the theory and the applied example of a storage battery attracting attention as an energy storage device.
The student will deepen understanding about the High Voltage Direct Current transmission to be suitable to transmit electricity to the distant place with large electricity.

1 新エネルギーとは
2 新エネルギー発電の電力系統連系条件
3 風力発電(1) 発電原理、構成、発電特性、発電システム
4 風力発電(2) 導入手順、大規模風力発電、洋上風力発電、導入状況
5 太陽光発電(1) 基本原理、太陽電池の種類、発電特性と出力制御
6 太陽光発電(2) 大規模システム、導入状況、研究開発の事例
7 燃料電池(1) 基本原理、電池種類、システム構成
8 燃料電池(2) 導入状況、コージェネレーション、研究開発の事例
9 電力貯蔵とその応用
10 直流送電システム(1) 他励式変換器による直流送電システム
11 直流送電システム(2) 他励式変換器の運転特性と制御方法
12 直流送電システム(3) 自励式変換器の回路構成と動作原理
13 直流送電システム(4) 自励式変換器による直流送電の適用例、自立システム
14 学習成果の振り返り

<Course schedule>
1 What is New Energy?
2 The constraints of the system interconnection of a new energy power generation
3 Wind power generation (1) : a power generation principle, a configuration, a power generation characteristic, a power-generation system
4 Wind power generation (2) : an installation procedure, a large-scale system, offshore wind power generation, an installation status
5 Photovoltaic power generation (1) : a basic principle, type of solar cell, a power generation characteristic, and a power control
6 Photovoltaic power generation (2) : a large scale system, an installation status, examples of a research and development
7 Fuel cell (1) : a basic principle, type of fuel cell, a system configuration
8 Fuel cell (2) : an installation status, co-generation system, examples of a research and development
9 A stationary energy storage and its application
10 High Voltage DC power transmission (HVDC) (1) : DC power transmission system by a line-commutation-type converter
11 HVDC (2) : a mode of operation and the control methodology
12 HVDC (3) : the circuitry configuration and principle of operation of a self-commutation-type converter (VSC)
13 HVDC (4) : introduction example of VSC-HVDC, the control methodology of an independent system
14 Reviewing of the course


Results will be evaluated bu the reports for assingment.


野呂康宏著「分散型エネルギーによる発電システム」コロナ社 ISBN978-4-339-00888-3
NEDO再生可能エネルギー技術白書(独立行政法人 新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構のHPにて閲覧可能)

金曜日 16:30−18:00(新宿キャンパスA2377)

Friday 16:30-18:00. A2377, Shinjuku Campus.

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