
微分方程式特論(Advanced Differential Equations)[1205]

長谷川 研二 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13

 It is very important not only for mathematics but also for technology to study properties of solutions to differential equations which describe technological models.Students may have learned first-order or second-order linear ordinary differential equations when they were undergraduates. In this lecture, students will learn methods to investigate solutions (not by numerical calculation) to non-linear ordinary differential equations whose orders are more than one.

  1. 1階微分方程式(変数分離形)
  2. 1階完全微分方程式と積分因子
  3. 定数係数線形微分方程式(同次形)
  4. 定数係数線形微分方程式(非同次形)
  5. 線形系
  6. 行列指数関数
  7. 解軌道
  8. 自励系の平衡点とJacobi行列
  9. 双曲型平衡点
  10. 双曲型平衡点における漸近安定性
  11. 双曲型平衡点における不安定性
  12. Lyapunovの方法
  13. Lienardの方程式と極限閉集合
  14. 振り返り
  1. First order differential equations (Separation of variables)
  2. Exact differential equations and integrating factors
  3. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients (Homogeneous type)
  4. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients (Inhomogeneous type)
  5. Linear Systems
  6. Matrix exponentials
  7. Orbits of solutions
  8. Equibrium points and Jacobian matrixes for autonomous systems
  9. Hyperbolic equibrium points
  10. Asymptotic stabilities at hyperbolic equibrium points
  11. Unstabilities at hyperbolic equibrium points.
  12. Lyapunov's methods
  13. Lienard's equations and limit cycles
  14. Reviewing
    Preparation:Read the textbook and handouts which you can get by downloading from kuport.

Evaluation:The teacher will give students some prolems after the last lecture. Grades will be decided by evaluating answers which they present in their reports.

  • 「例からはじめる微分方程式」牧野潔夫・長谷川研二 著 牧野書店(4回まで)
  • プリント(5回から。授業で配布しないでキューポートからダウンロードして印刷できるにしておく)

Text:Until fourth lecture, we will use a Japanese textbook for differential equations. After that, you will have to take handouts printed from PDF files you can download from kuport.

  • 「応用微分方程式講義」野原 勉 著 東京大学出版会
  • 「力学系入門」Hirsh,Smale,Devaney 著 共立出版

月曜日(Monday)13:00〜14:00(classroom or A-2712)

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