
機械振動学特論(Advanced Mechanical Vibrations)[3601]

大石 久己 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/13

(1) 運動方程式の求め方と,振動問題の取り扱いについて理解する.
(2) 多自由度系への展開を理解し,行列表現を習得する.
(3) 固有値問題と解法を習得し,モード解析を理解する.
(4) 連続体の運動方程式の求め方を理解する.
(5) 連続体の運動方程式の解法を理解し,固有振動数と固有モードについて習得する.
(6) ラプラス変換などの解析法を習得する.



Aim and Specific goals
When treating the vibration of mechanical structures, it is necessary to consider how to treat from one degree of freedom to the continuous systems for its problems of vibration phenomenon. Therefore, in this course, based on the basis of mechanical vibration theory, we will take a representative example up to vibrations of the continuous systems and learn with basic exercises, solutions and characteristics on exercises. Specific effort goals are shown below :
(1) Understand how to calculate the equation of motion and how to treat vibration problems.
(2) Understand the development to multi-degree of freedom systems and master matrix expressions.
(3) Learn the eigenvalue problem and solution and understand the mode analysis.
(4) Understand how to calculate the equation of motion of continuous systems.
(5) Understand the solution method of the equation of motion of the continuous systems and master about the natural frequency and eigen mode.
(6) Learn analytical methods such as Laplace transform.

* The following applies for the students of Systems Design Program. (JABEE Learning and Educational Goals)
"Systems Design Program"

(A) We develop human resources who have deep knowledge and applied skills on the principles of engineering related fields: ◎

Contents of (2) of JABEE Criteria 1
(c), (d): ◎
(b), (e), (g): ○


[Course schedule and Preparation]
1: Guidance of this course and theoretical treatment of dynamic phenomena of mechanical system.
2: Fundamental of vibration and multi-degree of freedom systems 1 (1 degree and 2 degrees of freedom systems).
3: Fundamental of vibration and multi-degree of freedom systems 2 (from 2 degrees to multi-degrees of freedom systems).
4: From multi-degrees to infinite degrees of freedom system.
5: Method of solving the wave equation.
6: Derivation of the motion equation of beam.
7: Nondimensionalization of the motion equation of beam.
8: Method of solving motion equation of beam and boundary conditions.
9: Initial conditions and forced vibration of beam.
10: Method of solving the continuous systems by Laplace transform.
11: Derivation of frequency response function of continuous systems by Laplace transform.
12: Method of solving motion of beam with lumped mass by Laplace transform.
13: Timoshenko beam and Rayleigh and Ritz methods.
14: Review of the course.


[Grading evaluation method and level]
The unit is accepted for those with more than 60 comprehensive point of a final exercise and reports imposed in lecture.

吉沢正紹他共著 機械力学 (朝倉書店)
三浦宏文他共著 機械力学 機構・運動・力学(朝倉書店)

Masatugu Yoshizawa and co-authors, “Mechanical Dynamics” (Asakura Shoten), (Japanese)
Hirofumi Miura and co-authors, “Mechanical Dynamics; Mechanism, Kinetics and Dynamics” (Asakura Shoten), (Japanese)

川井忠彦,藤谷義信 振動および応答解析入門 培風館
辻岡康著 機械力学(サイエンス社)
北郷薫,露木洋二共著 振動学(森北出版) ほか

Tadahiko Kawai and Yoshinobu Fujitani, “Fundamental of Vibration and Response Analysis”(Baifukan), (Japanese)
Yasushi Tujioka, “Mechanical Dynamics” (Saiensu Sha), (Japanese)
Kaoru Hongo and Yoji Tuyuki, “Vibration Theory” (Morikita Publishing), (Japanese)


[Office Hour]
Tuesday 13:00 -14:00 (Shinjuku 1772 or 1863)
I will accept questions with prepared paper.


Because, this course is based on the contents of mechanical dynamics and vibration theory learned in undergraduate, I expect to have a review of these contents. In particular, the foundation of dynamics and vibration of one degree of freedom system is important. Also, because it imposes exercises, please check the level of comprehension of the course and compensate for insufficient understanding. Please solve these problems and check where you understood or not, and prepare for the next lecture.

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