
交通シミュレーション特論(Transport Systems Simulation)[5503]

高木  亮 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19


Simulation is an indispensable tool in research and development of a wide variety of fields. However, the simulation results have to be treated with caution; especially, one has to bear in mind that a very high level of complexity is hidden therein, and in many cases its detail is known only to the performer of the simulation. In the earlier part of this lecture, various basics behind simulation will be reviewed. It will be followed by the introduction of the simulation tool developed by the lecturer himself – its basic concept, modelling and other details. This will give students a rare opportunity to see what is inside a work of simulation.




1. シミュレーションとは / What is simulation?
 シミュレーション 評価 最適化 サイバネティクス シミュラクル

2. シミュレーションの方法 / The methods of simulation

3. シミュレーションの環境 / The simulating environments
 プログラミング言語 シミュレーションのための各種のツール UMLなど

4. ライブラリを使う / Using libraries in simulation
 XML パーサを例に

5. 数値演算法 / Overview of numerical calculations
 積分 微分方程式の数値解法 行列 そのほかの知識

6. データ構造,グラフ理論 / Overview of the data structure, graph theory, etc.

7. 最適化 / Optimisation

8. 列車ダイヤの評価 (1) / Evaluating train schedules (1)

9. 列車ダイヤの評価 (2) / Evaluating train schedules (2)

10. 列車ダイヤの評価 (3) / Evaluating train schedules (3)

11.列車ダイヤの評価 (4) / Evaluating train schedules (4)

12.列車ダイヤの評価 (5) / Evaluating train schedules (5)

13.評価演習 / Evaluation exercise

14. 学習成果の振り返り / The review

予習: 特に必要なし。
Preparation: not necessary.

復習: 講義時に配布された資料等を読み込み,関連資料等を可能な限り幅広くあたること。練習問題等があれば自分で手を動かし解いてみること。コード(プログラム)は,読解を試み,また実際に手許のコンピュータを用いてコンパイルして動かしてみるよう努めてほしい(つまりそのコードをコンパイル・実行できる環境を用意して講義に臨んでほしいということ)。
Review: Search for materials related to what have been presented in the lecture. If you find a program, compile and run it on your computer environment.


Report assignment will be given, and the submitted report will be used for marking students.


No particular textbook is used. Handouts will be distributed in the lectures.

「最新 電気鉄道工学 (改訂版)」,コロナ社 (2012). ISBN 978-4339008333


Wednesday 5th time slot (17:30-19:15). A-2374, Shinjuku Campus.


This lecture aims at introducing how simulation is used to solve one particular problem. You may say it is an useless sort of information; however, it is a very rare opportunity to look deep into how other person’s simulation is done, and if you are well prepared you will be able to get information that you will find very useful.

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