
自動車システム特論(Advanced Automotive System)[4603]

桂 晃洋 特別専任教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19

(2)「走る、曲がる、止まる」という自動車の基本機能に加え、ハイブリッド自動車、電気自動車などの電動化技術、省燃費や安全性向上のための電子制御技術、サービス性を向上する車載ナビゲーションやITS(Intelligent Transportation Systems)関連の情報技術など自動車システムに関わる技術を広く理解する。

Automobiles are equipment systems for individual use, and at the same time, they are positioned as components of road traffic and transportation systems. So that they deeply concerns with society. This lecture aims to understand the automotive system as a complex system and to cultivate the ability to think for himself towards the development of a better society with a focus on contact with people and contact with society.
Specific achievement objectives are as follows.
(1) Understanding the global trends of the automotive industry and the situations surrounding the automotive systems, and understanding important issues such as safety, security, environment, and convenience.
(2) In addition to understand the basic functions of the automotive systems "running, turning, stopping", broadly understanding the technology related to automobile systems such as motorized technology for improving the efficiency of electric vehicles such as hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, electronic control technology for improving fuel economy and safety, and information technology related to in-vehicle navigation systems and ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems).
(3) Based on the above issues, considering the future of the mobility system integrating the above technologies, cultivating the insight into the overall social system related to cars, and acquiring the ability and wisdom to discover and solve problems.



1. 自動車システムの基礎
2. 自動車と社会との関わり
3. 自動車を取り巻く環境(1)
4. 自動車を取り巻く環境(2)
5. 内燃機関の技術
6. 電動化技術
7. 電子制御技術(1)
8. 電子制御技術(2)
9. 車載情報システム
10. 道路交通システム(1)
11. 道路交通システム(2)
12. 自動運転技術
13. モビリティシステムの将来
14. 学習内容の振り返り、最終テスト

Subjects in the course
1. Fundamentals of automotive systems
2. Relationship between automobiles and society
3. Environment surrounding automobiles (1)
4. Environment surrounding automobiles (2)
5. Internal combustion engine technology
6. Motorized technology
7. Electronic control technology (1)
8. Electronic control technology (2)
9. In-vehicle information systems
10. Road traffic and transportation systems (1)
11. Road traffic and transportation systems (2)
12. Autonomous driving technology
13. Future of mobility systems
14. Review of the contents of the study, final test
Preparatory learning: Since present subject matters are presented at any time, preparing and studying by the next lecture and making it up as presentation material or mini report. Reporting the contents of the study at the next lesson, and discussion with all.


· Pass score: 60 points or more as the average score of subject presentations to be imposed in the course lesson and the final test.
· Score of subject presentations: Convert the total of each result to 100 full points. 0 points in case of no submission, and a half score in case of delayed submission.
· Final test: 100 points for perfect.
· Students who are absent more than 5 times without reasonable reason (according to the standards of the educational affairs section) shall be deemed to have abstained from the studies and will not conduct a grading evaluation.


Materials distributed in class, etc.


Provide information at any time through a lecture.

新宿校舎 A-1736:火曜日 11:00〜12:00
八王子校舎 17-101:金曜日 10:30〜12:00


Learning with motivation is important. Students who are interested in future cars are welcome to attend.

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