
リスクアセスメント特論(Advanced Study on Risk Assessment)[4505]

木村 雄二 非常勤講師  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19


Systematic knowledge concerning science and technologies to investigate cause of hazard state and process generated in society today have to be understood. Then, various risks generated in society are grasped and after that they are suppressed. To be concrete, following groundings have to be cultivated.
・Through recognizing problems concerning reliability and safety of social-environment systems, cultivate abilities for evaluating each system reliability.
・By understanding basic mathematics used in reliability analysis, cultivate abilities for evaluating various engineering problems.
・Cultivate abilities for analyzing reliability of real social systems by using various knowledges concerning system reliability.

Learning outcomes of “System design program”
(B) Educate talented people who has knowledges and understandings of various related fields (management of technology, intellectual property, management, et.al.) for obtaining broader view points, and also has high operation ability.
Knowledge and abilities from (a) to (i) of JABEE Criterion 1(2), items(a) and (e):◎, items (b), (h), (i):〇

1. リスクの定義
2. リスクベース決定プロセス
3. 工学システムに対するリスク源(1):原子力発電プラント
4. 工学システムに対するリスク源(2):石油精製・石油化学のプロセス
5. 工学システムに対するリスク源(3):構造物、コンピューターシステム
6. システムのモデル化
8. 信頼性と故障のデータ
9. 故障のデータの情報源:ベイズの定理
10. リスク解析のための数学:ブール代数
11. ヒューマンエラーとヒューマン信頼性
12. 代表的な故障寿命分布、リスクの受け入れ基準
13. リスクコミュニケーション、システムの評価:定量的リスク分析、確率論的リスク分析
14. 学習内容の振り返り

1. Definition of risk
2. Risk-based determining process
3. Risk source in engineering system (1) : Atomic power plant
4. Risk source in engineering system (2) : Oil refining and petrochemical processes
5. Risk source in engineering system (3) : Structures and computer system
6. Modeling of systems
8. Data of reliability and failure
9. Failure data source : Bayes' theorem
10. Mathematics for analyzing risk : Boolean algebra
11. Human error and human reliability
12. Representative failure life distribution, Standard for risk acceptance.
13. Risk communication, Analysis of systems : Quantitative risk analysis, Probabilistic risk analysis
14. Review of studied items

授業への出席による平常点(成績評価の20%)、Quiz への回答およびレポート提出(成績評価の80%)などにより総合的に評価する。60点以上を合格とする。

Based on the activities in class (20% of evaluation) and evaluation of submitted reports (80% of evaluation) grade is evaluated. As a result, 60 point and above is passing.


Prints are distributed

Stewart, M.G. and Melchers, R.E. : Authors, Shinsuke SAKAI : Supervisor of translation, 2003, ”Probabilistic risk assessment of engineering systems”, Morikita Publishing Co., Ltd.
Fundamentals in Risk-Based Engineering, Hideo KOBAYASHI, 2011, UCHIDA ROUKAKUHO Co., Ltd.
Reliability engineering, Masahiro ICHIKAWA, 1990, SHOKABO Co., Ltd.

新宿校舎:毎週木曜日 16:00〜17:20,講師室,E-mail:kimura@cc.kogakuin.ac.jp

Shinjuku Campus : Thursday 15:00-17:00, 12F Lecturer’s room, E-mail:kimura@cc.kogakuin.ac.jp


Importance of obtaining systematic knowledge concerning science and technologies to investigate cause of hazard state and process generated in society today have to be indicated. Then, various risks generated in society have to be grasped and after that they are suppressed.

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