
スポーツ流体力学特論(Advanced Sports Fluid Mechanics)[2402]

伊藤 慎一郎 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19

A sport event seems to be a problem of the skills and physical strength but it can be a engineering-like problem. We analyze sport events as elements of various engineering.




(JABEE learning, education arrival aim)
"Systems design program"

(A) I bring up a person who wore the deep knowledge about a principle, the principle of the field about engineering and applied: ◎

Contents of (2) of JABEE standard 1
(c) (d): ◎
(b) (e) (g):○

1. [野球の変化球] コアンダ効果他について
2. [サッカーボール・バレーボールの変化球]ナックルボール効果とレイノルズ・クライシス
3. [ベクトル解析1] ベクトル場の微分(傾き,grad)
4.[ベクトル解析2] ベクトル場の積分(div, rot)
5. [ベクトル解析3] 流体の加速度,ベクトル表現等
6. [流体の方程式] オイラーの運動方程式
7. [スキージャンプ] 速度三角形と2次元翼, 3次元翼
8. [流体の方程式] オイラーの運動方程式
9. [流体の方程式] 粘性とNS方程式
10. [泳法と疲労度,機械効率] 泳ぎの最適化,生物学的効率と機械効率の違い
11. [背泳ぎ,バタフライ,平泳ぎ,シンクロナイズド・スイミング] 泳ぎの最適化,定常流体と非定常流体
12. [水着の流体力学] 圧力抵抗(形状抵抗)と摩擦抵抗
13. [マラソンとトライアスロン] スリップストリームと波乗り効果
14. [スタートとターン] 経路最適化

1. [breaking ball of the baseball] about Coanda effect et al.
2. [breaking ball of the soccer ball volleyball] knuckle ball effect and Reynolds crisis
3. [vector analysis 1] differential calculus (gradient) of the vector field
4. [vector analysis 2] the integral calculus (div, rot)) of the vector field
5. [vector analysis 3] the acceleration of the fluid, vector expression
6. [equation of the fluid] an exercise of Euler equation
7. [ski jumping] a speed triangle and a two-dimensional wing, a three-dimensional wing
8. [equation of the fluid] an exercise of Euler equation
9. [equation of the fluid] viscosity and Navier-Stokes equation
10. [a style of swimming and fatigue degree, mechanical efficiency] difference between optimization of the swimming, biological efficiency and mechanical efficiency
11. [backstroke, butterfly, the breast stroke, synchronized swimming] optimization of the swimming, a steady fluid and a nonsteady fluid
12. [hydrodynamics of the swimsuit] pressure drag (shape resistance) and frictional resistance
13. [marathon and triathlon] a slipstream and a surfing effect
14. [a start and turn] course optimization

レポート60%, 平常点40%,総合得点100点満点で採点し,60点以上の者に単位を認める.
I mark it at 60% of reports, normal point 40% with one hundred general score and I will give a credit to a person more than 60 points.

http://fluid.mech.kogakuin.ac.jp に資料Upload

「流体の力学」谷田 好通著(朝倉書店)
「スポーツデータ」太田 憲 ・木村 広・仰木 裕嗣・広津 信義著(共立出版)
「流体力学 (JSMEテキストシリーズ)」日本機械学会 (著) (日本機械学会)

Tuesday from 17:30 to 18:30
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Please attach it to watch ability for grasp that even a personal event can convert into dynamic phenomena.

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