
数値シミュレーション特論(Numerical Simulation)[2409]

飛松 敬二郎 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19



Aim of Lectures:
We learn comprehensively about simulation taking probabilistic models as example. More specifically, we learn the probability theory which is the mathematical foundation of simulation, the nature and generation method of random variable, concrete example of model, variance reduction method, statistical analysis method and so on.

On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
· Understand the method of analyzing mathematical models by use of a simulation study.
· Understand the nature and generation method of pseudorandom numbers.
· Understand how to generate random variables from pseudo random numbers.
· Understand how to generate events of probabilistic models over time.
· Understand varieties of methods to improve simulation estimators.

1. 確率の要素

2. 離散型確率変数

3. 連続型確率変数

4. 乱数と定積分

5. 離散型確率変数の生成
逆変換法のアルゴリズム、ポアッソン確率変数の生成、二項分布確率変数の生成、Acceptance-Rejection法、Composition Approach、ランダムベクトルの生成

6. 連続型確率変数の生成

7. 離散型事象のシミュレーション1
離散型事象によるシミュレーション、 単一サーバーの待ち行列システム、縦列2台のサーバーの待ち行列システム、並列2台のサーバーの待ち行列システム

8. 離散型事象のシミュレーション2

9. シミュレーションデータの統計解析

10. 分散低減の技法1

11. 分散低減の技法2

12. 統計学的検証法1

13. 統計学的検証法2

14. 振り返り
1. Elements of Probability
Sample space, Axioms of probability, Conditional probability and Independence, Random variable, Expectation, Variance, Chebychev's Inequarity and the Lows of large numbers, Conditional Expectation and Conditional Variance

2. Discrete Random Variables
Binomial random variables, Poisson random variables, Geometric random variables, The negative binomial random variables and Hypergeometric random variables

3. Continuous Random Variables
Uniformly distributed random variables, Normal random variables, Exponential random variables, The Poisson process and Gamma random variables and Nonhomogeneneous Poission Process

4. Random Numbers and Numerical Integration
Pseuderandom number generation, Using random numbers to evaluate integrals

5. Generating Discrete Random Variables
The Inverse transform method, Generating a Poisson random variable, Generating Binomial random variables, The Acceptance-Rejection technique, The Composition approach, Generating random vectors

6. Generating Continuous Random Variables
The Inverse transform algorithm, The Rejection method, The Polar Method for generating normal random variables, Generating a Poisson process, Generating a Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process

7. The Discrete Event Simulation Approach 1
Simulation via discrete events, A Single-server queueing system, A Queueing system with two servers in series, A Queueing system with two parallel servers

8. The Discrete Event Simulation Approach 2
An Inventry model, An Insurance risk model, A Repair problem, Exercising a stock option, Verification of the simulation model

9. Statistical Analysis of Simulation Data
The sample mean and sample variance, Interval estimates of population mean, The Bootstrapping technique for estimating mean square errors

10. Variance Reduction Techniques 1
The use of Antithetic variables, The use of control variables, Variance reduction by Conditioning

11. Variance Reduction Techniques 2
Stratified sampling, Applications of stratified sampling, Computing multidimensional Integrals of monotone functions, Importance sampling and its applications

12. Statistical Validation Techniques 1
Goodness of fit tests, The chi-square goodness of fit test for discrete data, The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for continuous data

13. Statistical Validation Techniques 2
Goodness of fit tests when some parameters are unspecified, The two-sample problem, Validating the assumption of a Nonhomogeneous Poisson process

14. Reviewing ot the course
Preparation for learning
Learning each item by the textbook.



Student must submit reports at the end of term. Details of the subjects will be announced in the class room. Evaluation is made according to the score of reports and the participation situation in the class room.

Do not be late or absent from class. Please contact us in advance by e-mail if you are unable to attend class.

SIMULATION Fourth edition, Sheldon M.Ross, Academic Press.
The textbook is available at the university library.

Although reference books are not specially specified, many good books exist.

The 3rd school hour on Wednesday at the 1E-306 Laboratory in Hachioji.
水曜3時限、八王子校舎 1E-306 研究室
上記以外の場合は大学の個人IDの電子メールアドレスから ct10519 [at] ns.kogakuin.ac.jp(飛松)までメールで連絡してください。

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