
感覚知覚特論(Human Sensory Perception)[2213]

福田 一帆 准教授  
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19

Humans perceive and recognize a variety of information gathered by sensory organs and processed in nervous system. The goal of this course is to understand and explain the function of sensory organs, the characteristics and mechanisms of perception, and the related research methods.

Participants are expected to prepare each lecture by reading articles, explain assigned paragraph, and give a presentation of assigned chapter. This course deals with the following subjects depend on participants’ interest and progress:
1. イントロダクション (Introduction)
2. 明るさ知覚 (lightness perception)
3. 色の知覚(Color perception)
4. 形状の知覚(Shape perception)
5. 奥行の知覚(Depth / 3D perception)
6. 視覚的注意(Attention)
7. 動きの知覚(Motion perception)
8. 眼球運動(Eye movement)
9. 嗅覚(Olfaction)
10. 味覚(Taste)
11. 触覚(Touch)
12. 前庭感覚(Vestibular sensation)
13. 異種感覚統合(Multimodal sensation)
14. 学習内容の振り返り(Review the course

Grading will be decided based on your performance of article reading (summarizing and discussion) and oral presentation.


Sensation and Perception (Jeremy M. Wolfe et. al., Sinauer Associates Inc.)

火曜日12:50 – 13:50 八王子キャンパス講師室にて質問を受け付けます.

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