
オペレーティングシステム特論(Advanced Topics in Operating Systems)[0015]

清水 謙多郎 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19


An operating system (OS) is the most basic software that directly controls the computer hardware, manages computer resources, makes them available for efficient use, and facilitates the use of computer resources for computer users or other software. Therefore, in order to understand the concept and mechanism of operating systems, it is necessary to learn both interface and internal design. Many of the ideas related to the operating system can be applied to various fields of computer science, such as system programming. Learning the internal design is related to a wide range of fields such as algorithm design and implementation, latest device development, construction of virtual environments, Web programming, secure system construction, network management, etc. This course deals with fundamental theory and practice of operating systems such as process structures and scheduling, synchronization and communication between processes, deadlocks, virtual memory, file and input / output, etc. We will also discuss the OS design methods (micro kernels, virtual operating systems, etc.), multiprocessing technologies, real-time processing technologies, distributed processing technologies, and information security . It also enhances the development of students' skill in system programming. I will introduce many case studies not just to learn knowledge, to understand why these technologies have been used and developed in real systems and to understand the basic concepts and theories under these technologies.

授業は、7月28, 29, 31日の3日間(予定)、集中講義で実施し、以下の項目について解説する。
1. オペレーティングシステム概論
2. プロセスの構造とスケジューリング
3. プロセスの同期
4. プロセス間通信
5. デッドロック
6. 仮想記憶
7. ファイル
8. 割込みと入出力
9. 保護とセキュリティ
各項目について,基礎的な理論から,実際のOS(Unix系OS,Windows,メインフレームのOS,並列OS,リアルタイムOS, 仮想化など)で用いられている技術,現在の研究動向まで,幅広く,また今後重要となってくると思われる技術については,最先端の研究内容に至るまで詳しく論じる予定である。

This lecture will be held on July 28, 29 and 31 (three days in total) as an intensive lecture. The main topics of this lecture are as follows.
1. Overview of operating systems
2. Process structure and scheduling
3. Process synchronization
4. Inter-process communication
5. Deadlock
6. Memory management
7. Files
8. Interrupts and I/O
9. Protection and security
10.Virtualization technology and OS architecture
11.Embedded systems and real-time processing
12.Parallel and distributed computing
For each topic, we explain the basic theory and important cutting edge technologies of practical systems (Unix-like OS, Wndows, mainframe OS, parallel OS, real-time OS, virtual OS, etc.). Major recent OS researches will also be introduced.


Your overall grade in the class will be decided based on the following:
- Class attendance and attitude in class: 50%
- examination held on the final day of class: 50%


Original handouts. We do not use specific textbooks.

1. 清水謙多郎:オペレーティングシステム,岩波書店,1992.
2. A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin and G. Gagne: Operating System Concepts, 8th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
(土居範久監訳, 大谷真, 加藤和彦, 光来健一, 清水謙多郎, 高田眞吾, 高田広章, 千葉滋, 野口健一郎訳: オペレーティングシステムの概念, 共立出版, 2010.(7th Editionの翻訳, 米国の大学で最もよく使われている教科書)



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