
西洋建築史特論(Architectural History and Theory in Europe)[5405]

中島 智章 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19


 The "History" is a human collective Memory. Personal or collective identity is composed of this "History". The "History" relativizes our thinking. Your knowledge of the architectural history supports your architectural "Theory", one of main domains of "Architecture", as important as "Fabrication" according to Vitruve.
 In this course, you understand diverse cultural, political and social contexts of historic buildings by means of diverse methodologies of the architectural history which you learn reading a paper concerning the architectural history and analysing its background, aim, method and conclusion.

1. 序−建築史学の方法論
 Introduction - The methodologies of the architectural history
 Research background, aim and method - Research sources
 準備学習:レジュメの通読 Reading résumés concerning this lecture
2. 論文購読の割り振り
 Distribution of reading part of textbook
 準備学習:取り上げる書籍や論文集の目次・序文の通読 Reading of the Contents and the Introduction of textbook
3. 論文購読(発表者は各回3人程度) Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
4. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
5. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
6. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
7. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
8. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
9. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
10. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
11. 論文講読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
12. 論文講読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
13. 論文購読 Reading textbook
 準備学習:各自、担当する論文の研究背景・目的・方法・結論を分析する。Analysing background, aim, method and conclusion of an article
14. 学習内容の振り返り Revising lectures
 準備学習:前回までの総復習を行う。Revising lectures


Some lectures on the architectural history, if students not enough for eleven lectures “Reading textbook”

 Two credits are given to persons of 60 points or more of paper.

 Andrew LEACH: What is architectural history?, Cambridge, 2010


Time and day: 17:30-18:00, Friday, First semester
Office: Lecturer room, 9F, Shinjuku campus


 Every year, I participate in the project research presentation of master course students, but nowadays, I feel that their knowledge about the matters related to their project is a little poor. Also, there is plenty room for improvement on their writing method of paper supporting their own design theory.
 I recognize that the activities of your studio are the most important, but I think that participation in diverse courses is also important for evoking various interests worthy of master course student.

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