
電子物性工学特論(Solid State Physics for Electronics)[5404]

草部 一秀 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19


 It is necessary to learn basics of semiconductor physics and quantum mechanics for developing devices and understanding material properties  in an electronics field. This course introduces fundamentals of the quantum mechanics which describes electron behavior in solids. The students understand an energy band theory in semiconductors, including quantum wells, nano-structures, and their physics based on the quantum mechanics. The students who plan to take a course “Optical Properties of Solid State Materials” held in the second semester should register this.

 1. 電子物性と量子論
 2. 量子力学の基礎
 3. 電子の波動性とシュレーディンガーの方程式
 4. 結晶内内の自由電子の振る舞い I(一電子近似) 
 5. 結晶内内の自由電子の振る舞い II(井戸型ポテンシャル内の電子)
 6. 結晶内の自由電子の振る舞い III(電子の座席・状態密度)
 7. クローニッヒ・ペニーモデルとエネルギーバンド(周期ポテンシャルとブロッホ関数)
 8. 半導体中の電子と正孔の振る舞い
 9. キャリアの拡散とドリフト
10. 擬フェルミ準位による非熱平衡状態のエネルギーバンド
11. pn接合の形成
12. pn接合の電流輸送特性
13. 半導体と金属との接触とその特性
14. 半導体デバイスの動作例
15. 総合講義

Subjects in this course:
1. Electronic properties and Quantum theory
2. Basics of quantum mechanics
3. Wave aspect of electrons and Schrodinger equation
4. Free electron behavior in crystals I (Single electron approximation)
5. Free electron behavior in crystals II (Quantum well potential)
6. Free electron behavior in crystals III (Density of state)
7. Kronig-penney model and Energy band (Periodic potential and Bloch function)
8. Behavior of electrons and holes in semiconductors
9. Carrier diffusion and drift
10. Energy band profiles under thermodynamics non-equilibrium states with quasi-Fermi energy levels
11. PN-junction
12. Current transport around pn-junction
13. Contact of semiconductors and metals
14. Semiconductor devices
15. Reviewing of the course


Students must submit a report at the end of term wherein the evaluation depends on an understand level about fundamental matters, especially (1) electron behavior in semiconductors and (2) carrier transport in semiconductors.





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