
光物性工学特論(Optical Properties of Solid State Materials)[2508]

草部 一秀 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19


Optical devices and materials are widely utilized in an electronics field. Light is reflected and refracted at surfaces/interfaces of materials, and its polarization state changes as well. The light is absorbed or amplified in the materials, with varying the polarization in some cases. Optical devices are demonstrated by using such optical phenomena.
Students majoring in electrical and electronic engineering know that the optical phenomena are described by Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetic waves. These describe light propagation in a “stage” with given refractive indices or dielectric constants. In other words, the light interacts with the materials via permittivity. Therefore, the light propagation can be described and understood after the refractive indices and geometric of the materials are determined.
Then, how are the refractive indices (dielectric constants) determined? This depends on how light (electromagnetic wave) interacts with electrons in the materials. The electric field component of light (electromagnetic wave) mainly contributes to the interaction in a visible light region, while the magnetic field component also does when the wavelength (frequency) becomes longer (low). Of course, the light (electromagnetic wave) extends over an extremely wide wavelength range (a wide energy range) so that the interaction greatly changes depending on the wavelength region.
In his course, students learn basics of the interaction between light (electromagnetic wave) and materials, including reviewing geometrical optics and a description of the interaction using dielectric constants (refractive indices).

1. 光(電磁波)は物質とどのように相互作用するのか?
2. 光の反射、屈折、吸収(増幅)現象
3. 物質の偏光特性
4. 金属・誘電体・半導体の光物性
5. 重要な光電子デバイスの特徴と原理
6. いろいろな発光現象
7. 光の増幅現象

Subjects in this course:
1. How does light (electromagnetic wave) interact with materials?
2. Optical reflection, refraction, absorption (amplification) phenomena
3. Optical responses depending on optical polarization
4. Optical properties of metals, dielectrics, and semiconductors
5. Operation principles of major optoelectronic devices
・Optical devices: LEDs, LDs, Modulators, Detectors
・Solar spectrum and solar cells
6. Optical emission
7. Optical amplification


Students must submit a report at the end of term wherein the evaluation depends on an understand level about fundamental matters.





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