
細胞工学特論(Advanced Cell Technology)[5102]

今村 保忠 教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19

<授業のねらい及び具体的な到達目標> Aim and Specific goals
This is a graduate-level cell technology course. The course provides the knowledge about basic aspects of interactions between animal cells and their surrounding environments called extracellular matrices (ECM). The matrixes, especially collagen matrixes, work as a kind of solid phase in the body and their long-term effects on cells are related to biological phenomena over a relatively long time. A synthetic way of thinking how the cells and the extracellular matrixes could be integrated into diseases or health in human is suggested.
On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
• Have an awareness of basic knowledge related collagen molecules and their aggregates.
• Have an awareness of the structure of basement membrane and their role in cell proliferation and differentiation.
• Have an awareness of ideas of tissue organization
• Have an awareness of basic ideas “iterative interaction’ and ‘internal medical approach to tissue regeneration’.
• Demonstrate the synthetic way of thinking.

<授業計画及び準備学習> Course schedule and Preparation
1. 科学、化学、工学の違い:コラーゲン研究を例にして
2. コラーゲンとは
 (1) コラーゲン遺伝子のゲノム構造
   EDS(Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)症例: V型コラーゲンのスプライシング異常
 (2) 線形成コラーゲン中のアミノ酸配列の特徴
 (3) 生合成
 (4) 代謝とコラーゲン生合成
3. コラーゲン精製法
 (1) コラーゲンの抽出と塩分別沈殿
 (2) タンパク質の分離:クロマトグラフィー
 (3) 分析方法
 (4) 分析例:ヘパリンカラムを用いたV型コラーゲンサブタイプの分析
4. 線維形成
 (1) 線維形成モデルの理解
5. ポリペプチド中のプロリン水酸化反応
 (1) Asc は水酸化に必須
 (2) 低酸素とHIF-1
 (3) イソクエン酸脱水素酵素の遺伝子変異
 (4) HIF-1aとコラーゲンのプロリン水酸化反応の比較
6. 組織構築
 (1) 細胞と細胞外マトリックスの相互作用の循環
 (2) 組織モデル:コラーゲン線維の傾斜配向と対応する細胞の局在
7. 組織構築(づづき)
 (3)  ウマ腱におけるコラーゲン線維の傾斜配向
8. 再構成コラーゲン会合体
 (1) V型コラーゲンは細い線維を作る
 (2) ヒトEDS(Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)症に類似した皮膚脆弱症ウシの解析 
9. 細胞とコラーゲンの相互作用
 (1) 細胞自身が作るコラーゲンの作用:アスコルビン酸2-リン酸はコラーゲン合成を促進
 (2) 外部からコラーゲンを与えたときの作用
 (3) 収縮コラーゲンゲル培養による真皮モデル
10.. 培養基質としての再構成コラーゲン会合体
 (1) V型コラーゲン線維
 (2) IV型コラーゲン会合体による基底膜様構造体
11. 基底膜
 (1) 基底膜の構造と構成成分
 (2) 基底膜は細胞の増殖・分化に重要である
 (3) 基底膜上で人工肺胞を作成
12. 幹細胞と基底膜
 (1) ES細胞とiPS細胞
 (2) ラミニン511
 (3) 再生医療と細胞シート工学
13. 基底膜の修飾による内科的再生の可能性
 (1) アスコルビン酸欠乏下で分泌される3本らせんを持たないIV型コラーゲンポリペプチド鎖(NTH (IV)s)
 (2) NTH (IV)sの機能
14. 振り返り

Subjects in the course:
1. Science, chemistry, and engineering in collagen research
2. Introduction to collagen
(1) Genome structure
More than 50 exons, 54 bp
  A case of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: Splicing defects in type V collagen
(2) The unique feature of Amino acids composition of fibril forming collagens
(3) Biosynthetic processes
Hydroxylation, glycation, PPI reaction, PDI reaction, processing, cross-linking
(4) Effect of metabolites on the biosynthesis
2-oxoglutarate, O2, Ascorbate
3. Purification method
(1) Extraction and salt fractionation
(2) Purification with various chromatography methods
Column chromatography
Ion exchange-, Affinity-, Reverse Phase-
(3) Analysis
Amino acid analysis, Sequence analysis, Mass spectroscopy
CD, DSC, Enzyme digestion
(4) A case of the purification of type V collagen subtypes with heparin affinity column chromatography
4. Fibril formation
Model of collagen association
5. Prolyl hydroxylation
(1) Requirement of ascorbate
(2) Hypoxia and HIF-1
(3) Mutations in Isocitrate dehydrogenase
(4) Comparison of prolyl hydroxylation between collagen and HIF-1a
6. Tissue organization (1)
(1) Iterative interaction between cells and ECMs
(2) Generalized tissue model : the graded organization of collagen fibrils and the cellular localization
7. Tissue organization (2)
(1) The graded organization of collagen fibrils in horse tendon
8. Reconstitution of collagen aggregates
(1) Type V collagen forms thin fibrils
(2) A case of skin fragility in a cattle similar to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in human
9. Interaction between cells and collagens
(1) Effect of endogenously produced collagens on the cell : Ascorbate 2-phosphate enhances the production.
(2) Effect of exogenously added collagens on the cell
Type I collagen gel : in-gel culture or on-gel culture
(3) Dermis model with cell culture in contracted collagen gel
10. Reconstituted collagen aggregates as cell culture substrates
(1) Type V collagen fibril
(2) Basement membrane-like structure of type IV collagen aggregates
11. Basement membrane
(1) Structure of basement membrane and its components
(2) Basement membrane is important for proliferation and differentiation
(3) Artificial alveolus on basement membrane
12. Stem cell and basement membrane
(1) ES cells and iPS cells
(2) Laminin 511 and stem cells
(3) Regenerative medicine and cell sheet technology
13. Modification of basement membrane and possible internal medical approach to tissue regeneration
(1) Production of non-triple helical collagen polypeptides of type IV collagen (NTH (IV)s) under the ascorbate depleted condition
(2) Possible role of NTH (IV)s
14. Reviewing of the course

Students must submit a report at the end of term about a synthetic way of thinking in their own research fields. In the report, basic ideas based on the way, such as “iterative interaction’ and ‘internal medical approach to tissue regeneration’ in the course, should be presented.




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