Intercultural Interaction[3403]
1単位 P.パトリックノエル 非常勤講師
- <授業のねらい及び具体的な到達目標>
- This class will assist students in developing their skills in English. Students will develop their communicative competence in English, critical thinking, and discussion skills with a focus on improving basic communication. Students are expected to research, prepare for and contribute to weekly class discussions and complete all assigned tasks. Each lesson is focused on having students complete a communicative task. By completing these tasks they will be exposed to a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Task completion will also lead to further discussion of the associated topics.
The course will be conducted in English.
※システムデザイン専攻の履修者については以下が適用される。 (JABEE学習・教育到達目標) 「システムデザインプログラム」 (D)国際的にも通用するコミュニケーション力,リーダーシップなどの社会・人間関係スキルをもつ技術者・研究者を育成します:◎ JABEE基準1の(2)の内容 (a),(b),(e),(f),(g),(h),(i):○
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- 1) Structuring and expressing opinions
2) Agreeing/disagreeing politely 3) Discussing accommodation 4) Talking about dating/relationships 5) Talking about families 6) Discussing online shopping, numbers, time, quantity, and cost 7) Mid-semester test 8) Job interviews 9) Business etiquette 10)Negotiation 11)Public speaking 12)Review 13) Final test.
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Assessment
Tests 50% Each semester there will be one mid-semester test and one end of semester test that will assess all of the work covered to those points. These tests will contribute 20% and 30% respectively to your final grade. Class participation/Homework 50% Class participation is a major component of this class as the main focus is on improving your conversation skills, as such you will be expected to contribute to all communicative activities. Participation and homework will contribute 50% to your final grade.
- <教科書>
- No textbook is required for this class, the teacher will issue the required materials.
- <参考書>
- No reference is required for this class, the teacher will issue the required materials.
- <オフィスアワー>
- Monday/Wednesday lunch period in Hachioji campus teacher's lounge.
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