☆環境システム工学特論(Environmental Systems Engineering)[1301]
2単位 岡田 文雄 特別専任教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ]
- <授業のねらい及び具体的な到達目標>
- 近年、工学の分野のみならず社会科学、人文科学分野でも環境に関する知識・認識が必要となってきている。地球温暖化に代表されるように、環境問題は21世紀の最重要課題の一つと認識されており、物作りに係わる化学工学の分野では、特に、環境問題の本質を十分に理解していることが要求される。
In recent years, knowledge and recognition about the environment are becoming necessary not only in the field of engineering but also in social science and humanities. As represented by global warming, environmental problems are recognized as one of the most important tasks of the 21st century. In the field of chemical engineering, which is related to manufacturing of many products, the understanding of the essence of environmental problems is required. In this lesson, we will discuss about the global environmental issues, such as population, food, water, atmosphere, forest, soil, and climate change, which are fundamentals to environmental problems. The mechanisms of environmental degradation and the measures for remedying the environmental systems will be discussed from the viewpoint of technical, economic and political aspects. In particular, we will deepen our understanding of comprehensive environmental and economic forecasts using various simulations.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- 1.環境問題とその歴史、メドウズのモデル
2.人口、食糧問題 3.水、森林、砂漠化問題 4.途上国の環境破壊と対策 5.アフリカ問題 6.環境経済(外部費用と環境税等) 7.学生の調査結果報告会ー1 8.学生の調査結果報告会ー2 9.具体的な環境改善への取り組み-2(JCAPを例として) 10.地球温暖化と京都議定書 11.IPCC第5次報告書 12.日本の地球温暖化対策 13.米国の地球温暖化対策 14.その他の地域の地球温暖化対策
1. Environmental problems and its history. Meadows model 2. Population and food problem 3. Water, forest and desertification problems 4. Environmental destruction and countermeasures in developing countries 5. Environmental problems in Africa 6. Environmental economy (external cost and environmental tax etc.) 7. Student survey result report meeting - 1 8. Student investigation result report meeting - 2 9. Specific measures to improve the environment (JCAP as an example) 10. Global warming and the Kyoto Protocol 11. IPCC 5th report 12. Measures against global warming in Japan 13. US countermeasures against global warming 14. Measures against global warming in other countries
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- 調査結果報告のプレゼンテーション内容と期末のレポートにより採点いたします。(50%ずつのウェイト)
The grades will be scored according to the presentation result of the student’s survey during the course and the report at the end of the term. (Weight of 50% each)
- <教科書>
- 特になし。授業内容に従って電子教材をアップいたします。
No text book in particular. Electronic materials will be uploaded according to class content.
- <参考書>
- ヨルゲン・ランダースら「2052-今後40年のグローバル予測」(日経BP社、2013年)
Jorgen Randers, et al. "2052 - global forecast for the next forty years" (Nikkei BP, 2013)
- <オフィスアワー>
- 授業終了後の30分間、5号館地下1階B101室にて質問等を受けます。
Questions and discussion are available at B101 room in the 5th building for 30 minutes after the class.
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