
医用生体計測特論(Biomedical Measurements)[3101]

堀内 邦雄 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2018/12/19

 It is important that we know a condition and the characteristic of the human body to develop machine system and the work system which a human being is related to. A detection method of the habits information and an applied method is discussed. We understand a principle about a measurement system.

1  講義内容の説明
2  身体形状と動作方向と基準面、マルチン式人体測定器、体脂肪計
3  力と筋力     筋力計、筋電計、オペアンプ回路
4  体温とエネルギー 身体の熱産生、体温計、
5  心臓 1      電気生理、心電計、
6  心臓 2      流れ、血流計、スワン・ガンツカテーテル
7  心臓 3      圧力、血圧計
8  血液とホルモン  血球計数器、比色定量、血糖値計、ラジオイムノアッセイ
9  肺機能      気量測定、血液ガス濃度測定、パルスオキシメータ
10  脳の機能と感覚器 脳波計、脳磁図計、痛みの計測 VAS、痛み計測器
11  画像計測 1    X線CT、原理構造の説明  PET、原理構造の説明
12  画像計測 2   MRI、超音波診断装置、光トポグラフィ
13  医療器の電気安全 ミクロショック、マクロショック、フローティング
14  口述発表、レポート課題の説明
Course schedule
1. Explanation of lecture contents
2. A physical shape and direction of movement and datum level, Martin-type anthoropolomer, body fat calculator
3. Power and muscular strength. muscular strength meter, electromyograph, operational amplifier circuit
4. Body temperature and energy. physical heat production, clinical thermometer,
5. Heart 1. electrophysiology, electrocardiograph,
6. Heart 2. flow, blood flow meter, Swan-Ganz catheter
7. Heart 3. pressure, sphygmomanometer
8. Blood and a hormone. blood counter, colorimetric determination method, blood glucose meter, radioimmunoassay
9. A pulmonary function. spirometry, blood gas concentration measurement, pulse oximeter
10. A function and the sense organs of the brain. electroencephalograph, magnetoencephalography, VAS of the pain, pain measure
11. Image measurement 1. explanation of a principle and the structure of the X-rays CT, Explanation of a principle and the structure of the PET,
12. Image measurement 2. MRI, diagnostic ultrasound imaging systems, light topography
13. The electric security of the medical container. micro-shock, macro-shock, floating
14. Oral presentation, explanation of the report assignment.

 Oral presentation 36 points, report assignment 40 points, attendance 24 points, total more than 60 points, a credit is given.


初学者のための生体機能の測り方:加藤象二朗、他著 日本出版サービス
生体用センサと計測装置:山越憲一、他著 コロナ社

新宿校舎17階 火曜日 9:00〜10:00


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