
Intercultural Interaction[3402]

P.パトリックノエル 非常勤講師

最終更新日 : 2014/10/01

Students must reach CEF level B2/C1. This class will assist students in developing their skills in English, and an appreciation of cultural communication differences in business, and academic situations. Students will develop their communicative competence in English, critical thinking, and discussion skills with a focus on improving basic cultural understanding. Students are expected to research, prepare for and contribute to weekly class discussions and complete all assigned tasks. Each lesson is focused on having students complete a communicative task. By completing these tasks they will be exposed to a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Task completion will also lead to further discussion of the associated topics.

Sem1 1) Apr 9 Student orientation and overview/Introductions/Small talk/
Sem1 2) Apr 16 Introductions building rapport
Sem1 3) Apr 23 Negotiations 1 Opening
Sem1 4) Apr 30 Negotiations 2 Making offers
Sem1 5) May 7 Negotiations 3 Bargaining
Sem1 6) May 14 Negotiations 4 Closing
Sem1 7) May 21 Mid-semester test
Sem1 8) May 28 Presentations 1 Opening
Sem1 9) Jun 4 Presentations 2 Body
Sem1 10) Jun 11 Presentations 3 Conclusion
Sem1 11) Jun 18 Meeting facilitation
Sem1 12) Jun 25 Meeting Brain storming
Sem1 13) Jul 2 Reaching consensus.
Sem1 14) Jul 9 Review
Sem1 15) Jul 23 Final test

Exams 60%; There will be two oral examinations each test will assess work covered up to that point, each exam will contribute 30% to your final grade. Homework and class participation will contribute 40% to your final grade.

There is no textbook required for this class, the teacher will supply the required materials.

There is no textbook required for this class, the teacher will supply the required materials.

Monday/Saturday lunch period Hachioji campus teacher's lounge.

This course offers you the opportunity to improve both your English for both academic, and business purposes, it will also give you the required confidence and ability to speak to and in front of people from different cultures.


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