Guided Research in English[3405]
1単位 S.ブルック 准教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ]
- <授業のねらい及び具体的な到達目標>
- This course is for students who wish to gain experience writing their research up in English. It will be offered on a one-to-one basis with supervision of the student's research.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- The course of study will be negotiated with each individual student, dependent on their needs. There will be weekly meetings to develop each student's research in English.
- <成績評価方法及び水準>
- Grades will be decided based upon the research outputs in English for each student.
- <オフィスアワー>
- Hachioji Wed 4:30-6:00
Shinjuku Tue 3:00-5:00
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