2019年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科

情報コミュニケーション英語(Interactive English for Infor matics Majors)[1N11]

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足立 節子 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2019/11/12

1. 基礎知識の習得
2. 専門分野知識の習得
3. 汎用的問題解決技能
4. 道徳的態度と社会性

The course aims to offer students, who have participated in a Kogakuin study abroad program, as well as students who have experience in multicultural settings, the chance to further develop their interactive communication skills in English. The course also aims to foster students with the ability to understanding different cultural systems.

For Informatics Study Abroad students, this is a required course. However, the course is not limited to Kogakuin’s Study Abroad participants.

Students will develop interactive communication skills in English. The course aims to establish an orally active English environment. It will be project based (eg instructing other students, share their cultural experiences, researching topics relevant to Informatics majors), and through the preparation process students are also expected to develop their reading and writing skills as well as presentation skills. It is understood that the interactive English levels of students will vary; therefore, students are expected to focus on developing their own English skills by being active members of the course.

1. Orientation
2-4 Project 1
5-6. Project 2
7. Feedback
8-11. Project 3
12-13. Project 4
14 Feed-back

Course preparations required for the course will be announced in class accordingly.

Grades A+,A,B,C,D,F will be given based upon students’ performance [Homework(20%), course work(20%), projects/tests(30%) and aural-oral participation(30%)] . D or above will earn the credit.



Shinjuku Wednesday and Thursday 13:00-13:30 or by appointment A-2737
Hachioji Mondays before or after class or by appointment.

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