2018年度工学院大学 先進工学部機械理工学科
△Communicative English B[4D43]
2単位 ウエスト ロバート 非常勤講師
- <学位授与の方針>
○ | 1. 基礎知識の習得 | | 2. 専門分野知識の習得 | ◎ | 3. 汎用的問題解決技能 | | 4. 道徳的態度と社会性 |
- <授業のねらい>
- The primary focus of this course will be on developing listening comprehension and speaking skills necessary for everyday communicative situations. At the end of this course, students should be able to perform a variety of communicative tasks including giving short presentations in English with fluency and accuracy.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- None
- <具体的な到達目標>
- To improve students' speaking ability
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- Syllabus
1. Speaking practice about Student Introductions (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Frequency). 2. Speaking practice about Frequency (for next week, students prepare for speaking for speaking practice about Periods of Time). 3. Listening practice about Periods of Time (for next week, students prepare for Listening exercise). 4. Listening exercise using a video story with comprehension questions (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Travel). 5. Speaking practice about Travel (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Have you ever quesitons). 6. Speaking practice about Have your ever? (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Small Talk). 7. Speaking practice about Small Talk (for next week, students prepare for the first Speaking Test). 8. Speaking test (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Time). 9. Speaking practice about Time (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Entertainment). 10. Speaking practice about Entertainment (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Food and Restaurnats). 11. Speaking practice about Food and Restaurants (for next week, students prepare for Listening exercise). 12. Listening exercise using a video story with comprehension questions (for next week, students prepare for speaking about Shopping). 13. Speaking practice about shopping (for next week, students prepare second Speaking Test). 14. Speaking test (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Health and Fitness). 15. Test week 16. Speaking practice - health and fitness (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Ability). 17. Speaking practice about Ability (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Pets and Animals). 18. Speaking practice about pets and animals (for next week, students prepare for Listening exercise). 19. Listening exercise and quiz using a video story and comprehension questions (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Free Time and Hobbies). 20. Speaking practice about Free Time and Hobbies (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Transportation). 21. Speaking practice about transportation (for next week, students prepare for third Speaking Test). 22. Speaking test (for next week, students prepare for Listening exercise). 23. Listening exercise and quiz using a video story and comprehension questions (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Giving Directions). 24. Speaking practice about giving directions (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about their Family). 25. Speaking practice about family (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about the Movies). 26. Speaking practice about the Movies (for next week, students prepare for Listening exercise). 27. Listening exercise and quiz using a video story with comprehension questions (for next week, students prepare for speaking practice about University Life). 28. Speaking practice about University Life (for next week, students prepare for the fourth Speaking Test). 29. Speaking test 30. Test week
- <成績評価方法>
- Students will be evaluated on class performance, attendance, and listening quiz scores.
- <教科書>
- No text book
Teacher supply all class materials
- <参考書>
- None
- <オフィスアワー>
- Before and after class in the classroom
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