2018年度工学院大学 情報学部システム数理学科
○情報技術者英語(English for Informatics Majors)[4B10]
1単位 北川原 慧林 非常勤講師
- <学位授与の方針>
◎ | 1. 基礎知識の習得 | ○ | 2. 専門分野知識の習得 | ○ | 3. 汎用的問題解決技能 | ○ | 4. 道徳的態度と社会性 |
- <授業のねらい>
- The course aims to prepare Kogakuin’s Informatics majors to study, and/or work, in an English environment. It aims to lay a foundation for students to study their fields in English. It also aims to help students gain basic social and workplace English communication skills so that they can better function in cross-cultural and transcultural settings. This course should position Kogakuin’s Informatics majors to compete for jobs requiring the ability to operate in diverse cross-cultural and transcultural settings.
The course is to be taught in English in the immersion method.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- None. However, students should be prepared to communicate in English. The course will be conducted in English.
- <具体的な到達目標>
- Students will have built a foundation to study their fields in English. They should be able to comprehend spoken English and respond orally in basic everyday interactions and be able to handle short exchanges in English. They also should gain an understanding of the need for cultural awareness for diversity coexistence.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- 1. Course Orientation
2. On cultural awareness: note-taking and asking for clarification skills (Q&As) 3. Reading on Informatics - If the lecturer for 4th week has provided material in advance, this class can be used to prepare students for the following week’s lecture 4. A lecture for Informatics majors by a faculty member in English. 5. Follow-up, comprehension checks and enhancing note taking skills, commentaries, discussions and questions. Writing a paragraph or more based on the lecture. 6. Final Project Workshop 7. Students’ presentations and feedback.
- <成績評価方法>
- Grades A+,A,B,C,D,F will be given based upon students’ performance [Homework(20%), course work(20%), projects/tests(30%) and aural-oral participation(30%)] . D or above will earn the credit.
- <教科書>
- None
- <参考書>
- None
- <オフィスアワー>
- Shinjuku Campus Wednesdays and Thursdays A-2737 13:00-13:30 or by appointment
Copyright(c)2018 Kogakuin University. All Rights Reserved. |