2017年度工学院大学 先進工学部

Communicative English B[1335]

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山田 朋美 助教  
最終更新日 : 2018/09/28

1. 基礎知識の習得
2. 専門分野知識の習得
3. 汎用的問題解決技能
4. 道徳的態度と社会性

The purpose of this course is to improve the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with particular emphasis on speaking and listening. Students will be given communicative tasks in each class, which will develop their communicative competence in English and critical thinking skills, improve their vocabulary, and teach them a variety of grammatical structures.

Students will be expected to prepare for weekly classes and to actively participate in the tasks given in class.

By the end of this course, students should be able to express their feelings, ideas, and opinions in English. They should also be able to perform a variety of communicative tasks, including giving presentations.

First semester
1. Introduction and Course Guidelines.
2. Introducing yourself and others.
3. Describing personal appearance, personality and characteristics.
4. Talking about hobbies.
5. Talking about families and describing a good friend.
6. Discussing spending habits and attitudes.
7. Describing past trips. Introducing group presentation 1
8. Preparing a presentation.
9. Group presentation 1
10. Talking about food. Introducing group presentation2
11. Group presentation 2
12. Discussing movies and TV shows. Introducing individual presentation.
13. Presentation Practice Day
14. Individual presentation

Second Semester
1. Introduction and Course Guidelines.
2. Discussing healthy lifestyles.
3. Talking about difficult situations and discuss solutions to them. Introducing group presentation1
4. Preparing a presentation.
5. Group presentation 1
6. Asking for and giving directions.
7. Talking about customs. Introducing group presentation 2
8. Preparing a presentation.
9. Group presentation 2
10. Talking about typical and unusual homes.
11. Talking about past achievements, regrets and dreams.
12. Review. Introducing individual presentation.
13. Presentation Practice Day
14. Individual presentation

Class participation and Homework 40%
Group Presentations 30%
Individual Presentation 30%

No textbook is required for this class. Materials will be distributed in class when necessary.

No reference is required for this class. Materials will be distributed in class when necessary.

Before or after class, in the class room

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