2017年度工学院大学 第1部機械工学科 エコエネルギーコース

Writing in English Basic I[5L09]

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イム ヘリーン 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2018/09/28

1. 基礎知識の習得
2. 専門分野知識の習得
3. 汎用的問題解決技能
4. 道徳的態度と社会性

The aim of this class is to acquire basic English writing skills for academic, project-oriented and business communication purposes. Assignments will include descriptive and narrative paragraphs and essays, a résumé, and an abstract summary.

1、2年生の必修英語科目で学習した内容(特にBasic Academic English I およおびII)の内容が習得できていること。指定された課題をこなせる英語力があること。
Students should be capable of basic communication in English. The classes will be conducted in English and the assignments will be explained in English.

自分が興味を持っている一般的な話題について、400 words程度の小論文が書けること。具体的には英語の「段落の基本的な構成」「小論文の基本的な構成」を理解し、「意見」「問題提起と解決提案」「原因と結果」などを述べる文が書けるようになること。また、ビジネスコミュニケーションの場面についても、上記内容と同じくらいの難易度の課題を行う。
Students will develop their ability to write clear sentences, well-organized paragraphs and an essay of up to 400 words. Students will understand the structure of basic paragraphs and short essays, and be able to differentiate and write in language that is suitable for descriptions, narratives, opinions, summaries and business communications.

1: Introductions, textbook preview
2: Basic sentences
3: Basic sentences
4: Basic paragraphs
5 Basic paragraphs
6: Leave no questions unanswered
7: Be specific and describe
8: Essay: composition and thesis statement
9: Essay: evidence and conclusion
10: Organization of a résumé
11: Writing a résumé
12: Writing an abstract summary
13: Writing for presentation: simplifying language
14: Writing for presentation: timeline

Evaluation will be based on completion of written homework, class participation and a final essay.

Effective Academic Writing Second Edition 1 – The Paragraph, by Alice Savage and Masoud Shafiei (Oxford University Press) (ISBN: 978-0-19-432346-8)

Students should bring a dictionary to class.

12th Floor Teachers’ room on Fridays during lunchtime (12:30–13:30, Shinjuku). Students can also contact me by email at heleneyim@aol.com

Writing in English can be very enjoyable.

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