2016年度工学院大学 情報学部情報デザイン学科

Integrated Skills in EnglishA[3A21]

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ウエスト ロバート 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2016/10/27

1. 基礎知識の習得
2. 専門分野知識の習得
3. 汎用的問題解決技能
4. 道徳的態度と社会性
5. 創成能力

The objective of the course is to encourage students to communicate about their lives, culture, and interests using written and spoken English. This will be done through speaking practice and short writing assignments. Elements of reading and listening will also be included.


Improved ability of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.


1. Open discussion, introductions. (For next week, students prepare for paragraph writing about themselves).
2. Writing book - writing about yourself. (For next week, students prepare for speaking about frequency).
3. Speaking practice about frequency. (For next week, students prepare for paragraph writing about their families).
4. Writing book - writing about your family. (For next week, students prepare for listening quiz).
5. Listening quiz - students will listen to a video story and answer comprehension questions. (For next week, students prepare for paragraph writing about family members).
6. Writing book - writing about family members. (For next week, students prepare for speaking practice about their family).
7. Speaking practice about family. (For next week, students prepare for the first speaking test).
8. Speaking test about Intorductions, Family, and Frequency. (For next week, students prepare for reading about coffee production).
9. Reading exercise about coffee production. (For next week, students prepare for speaking about Travel).
10. Speaking practice about Travel. (For next week, students prepare for paragraph writing about their Friends).
11. Writing book- students write pragraphs about thier Friends. (For next week, students prepare for speaking practice about Entertainment).
12. Speaking practice about Entertainment. (For next week, students prepare for listening quiz).
13. Listening quiz - students will listen to an video story and answer comprehension questions. (For next week, students prepare for the second speaking test).
14. Speaking test - about Family, Entertainment, and Travel.
15. Test week

"Ready to Write 1" (Pearson Longman) ISBN 978-0-13-136330-4

"Ready to Write 1" (Pearson Longman) ISBN 978-0-13-136330-4


Wednesday 9:00 - 12:30

Do not; be late, forget your books, or use smart phones in class.
Three lates equals one absent. Four absents is an automatic F.

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