2016年度工学院大学 建築学部建築デザイン学科
イギリス留学準備英語(Basic English Communication for the Special Program of Study in England)[0404]
1単位 カーニー マイケル 准教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ] 西森 陸雄 教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ]
- <授業のねらい>
- The aim of the course is to prepare students, regarding English communication skills and cultural systems, for participation in the Hybrid English Program.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- Approval by Department.
- <具体的な到達目標>
- Students should achieve a level of "survival skills English," which will allow them to communicate with their homestay families and the local people to perform "everyday" tasks.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- Week 1 – 2: Students will receive an overview of the course; students will work on greetings and introductions; students will work on providing basic biographic information and understanding basic biographic information provided by others; students will work on discussing family; basic sentence formations; basic wh-questions
Week 3 – 4: Students will be introduced to the cultural practices/lifestyle of life in an English home in comparison to life in a Japanese home (meals, daily diet, sharing space, laundry); students will focus on how to act/behave in a homestay, on helping out your homestay family, daily interaction with your homestay family, manners for the homestay; basic requests; expression of needs; cases of sickness; use of modals in requests for politeness
Week 4 – 5: The students will focus on language formations needed for going through the airport (navigating immigration & customs, etc.) and getting around town; students will focus on asking for and understanding directions; students will do a map study of the Canterbury area; use of trains, buses, taxis; students will study the climate & geography of the area; students will focus on producing and understanding basic wh-questions and responses related to directions
Week 5 – 6: Students will focus on ordering/buying food outside the homestay, communicating with waiters/waitresses while eating out; communication for shopping; students will focus on typical daily interactions they may have about town; public behavior – public manners; newspapers; entertainment; reinforcement of use of modals for politeness
Week 7 – 8: Students will focus on discussing one’s self and others; getting to know English culture; talking about Japan; talking about interests
Week 9 – 10: During the last two weeks, attention will be given to expanding relationships, to having conversations beyond small-talk, to discussing interests in greater depth, discussing ambitions, discussing studies, etc.
Since we will generating our own textbook as the class progresses, there is no required text; however, each class students must review their notes to embed the language patterns and vocabulary upon which we are focusing. Moreover, during each class students will be assigned thought exercises to not only develop their English language skills, but to also prepare them to function in non-Japanese discursive formations.
- <成績評価方法>
- Grades will be based on students' oral and aural performance.
- <教科書>
- No textbook is required; however, a Moleskine, Ruled Notebook, 9x14cm is required.
- <参考書>
- No reference book is required.
- <オフィスアワー>
- Wednesday - Friday, 12:55 - 13:35 (A-2737)Shinjuku Campus and by appointment.
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