2016年度工学院大学 第1部機械システム工学科
△Communicative English C[2L03]
2単位 A.R.ファルヴォ 非常勤講師
- <授業のねらい>
- (Objectives)
To give students opportunities to communicate through listening, reading and writing To build student confidence in interpersonal communication, To develop the basic study skills needed to succeed in Kogakuin University English classes
(Methods) Group and Pair work to increase individual communication Peer responsibility in group and pair activities Use of current topics to engage all students Controlled and guided discussions Introduction of communicative activities based on a single theme Standardized lesson formats from theme to theme Task-based activities Regular assignments submitted by email that are checked and returned by email Lessons involving integration of skills through presentations using power point in complementary and supplementary activities
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- なし
- <具体的な到達目標>
- Improve an ability to express these areas of focus in oral presentations and in written form
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- Detailed Weekly Schedule
【First Term】 Week One Teacher and Student Interviews and Introductions
Week Two UNIT I MONEY SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Discussing spending habits Talking about best Places to buy Exploring money Proverbs Survey of money styles
Week Three LISTENING ACTIVITIES Listening to items described Recognizing attitudes
Week Four UNIT2 STRESS AND SOLUTIONS SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Stress Situations, Stress Meter, Stress Solutions, Stress survey
Week Five LISTENING ACTIVITIES Identifying Stress situations Relieving Stress situations
Week Six UNIT 3 FRIENDSHIP SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Best Friends, Best Friend Profile, The test of FRIENDSHIP, Answering questions about friendship, Friendly Advice
Week Seven LISTENING ACTIVITIES Recognizing friendship, Rules of friendship
Week Eight Midterm Test
Week Nine UNIT4 CHALLENGES SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Challenging Sports, Sports Challenge, Fantastic Feats, Amazing Achievements
Week Ten LISTENING ACTIVITIES Describing sports challenges, Identifying sports and Amazing feats, Listening to opinions, Identifying feats and listening to reasons for feats
Week Eleven UNIT 5 GLOBETROTTERS SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Describing vacations, Discussing vacation needs Talking about an Australian vacation , Discussing Gold Coast activities
Week Twelve LISTENING ACTIVITIES Recognizing descriptions of activities, Identifying activities
Week Thirteen UNIT 6ANIMALRights SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Talking about animals characters, Discussing favorite animals, Discussing animal roles, Recognizing opinions
Week Fourteen LISTENING ACTIVITIES Recognizing opinions, descriptions of opinions Survey of animal rights and reasons for issues
【Second Term】 Week One Review of First erm Activities and Materials
Week Two
UNIT 7 PARTNERS SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Ta1king about relationships factors, Reacting to terms of endearment, Discussing being single and married, Survey about relationships
Week Three LISTENING ACTIVITIES Listening to and completing a song, Recognizing Preferences
Week Four UNIT 8 COLOR AND DESIGN SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Identifying and discussing colors, ta1king about colors, The Meaning of Colors Week Five LISTENIN(]; ACTIVITIES Recognizing descriptions and Preferences. identifying Places and Predicting colors types
Week Six UNIT 9 THEME PARKS SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Survey of Parks, Cultures of the world, Discussing Cu1tural attractions, Planning a Pavilion, Discussing situations and conditions for Theme parks
Week Seven LISTENING ACTIVITIES Recognizing places of theme parks Recognizing attitudes of theme parks
Week Eight Midterm Test
Week Nine UNIT 10 VALUES SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Survey on honesty and virtues, Discussing values , wisdom from others, Talking about values and honesty
Week Ten LISTENING ACTIVITIES ・Listening for information and qualities, understanding designs of character
Week Eleven UNIT 11 ADVERTISING SPEAKING ACTIVITIES Identifying and discussing designs for commercials, Choosing a winning design, Guessing ads ands discussing effective techniques, Survey of preferences Week Twelve
LISTENING ACTIVITIES Preferences of ad types, Techniques that work in Advertising
Week Thirteen Ecology issues
Week Fourteen LISTENING ACTIVITIES Saving the planet from Climate Change
- <成績評価方法>
- Performance and overall improvement of the students' communicative abilities.
Continuous assessment based on the variety of written homework assignments and tasks given to the students in class Daily classroom participation and special group projects
- <教科書>
- Not specified. handouts will be given out in the class.
- <参考書>
- There are no particular study guides other than weekly suggestions given specifically to a defined form of analysis.
- <オフィスアワー>
- Tuesdays, 13:30-14:30(講師室にて)
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