2016年度工学院大学 第1部機械工学科 メカノデザインコース

Writing in English Basic I[5K06]

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イム ヘリーン 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2016/10/27

The aim of this class is to develop basic writing skills for academic, professional and presentational purposes. Students will learn how to construct basic sentences, paragraphs and short essays, write a topic and thesis statement, use supporting evidence, form conclusions, prepare a résumé in English, and write in a business and presentational context.

1、2年生の必修英語科目で学習した内容(特にBasic Academic English I およおびII)の内容が習得できていること。指定された課題をこなせる英語力があること。
Students should be capable of basic communication in English. The classes will be conducted in English and the assignments will be explained in English.

自分が興味を持っている一般的な話題について、400 words程度の小論文が書けること。具体的には英語の「段落の基本的な構成」「小論文の基本的な構成」を理解し、「意見」「問題提起と解決提案」「原因と結果」などを述べる文が書けるようになること。また、ビジネスコミュニケーションの場面についても、上記内容と同じくらいの難易度の課題を行う。
Students will be able to write well-organized sentences, paragraphs and basic essays of up to 400 words. They will also be able to write simple business correspondence, a résumé in English, and presentational text (for presentations or captions, for example).

Class 1: Introductions, textbook preview, structuring a basic sentence
Class 2: Format and organization of a paragraph
Class 3: Topic statement and supporting sentences
Class 4: Different types of conclusions
Class 5 From paragraph to essay
Class 6: Writing an essay
Class 7: Writing an essay: a personal story
Class 8: Writing an essay: a descriptive story
Class 9: Organization of a résumé
Class 10: Writing style of a résumé
Class 11: Business and professional writing: letter format
Class 12: Business and professional writing: email
Class 13: Writing for action
Class 14: Presentational writing

Grades will be based on completion of in-class activities and written homework, and one final essay.

Effective Academic Writing Second Edition 1 – The Paragraph (Oxford University Press) (ISBN: 978-0-19-432346-8)

Students should bring a dictionary to class.

12th Floor Teachers’ room on Fridays during lunchtime (12:30–13:30). Students can also contact me by email at heleneyim@aol.com.

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