2015年度工学院大学 先進工学部生命化学科
工学基礎英語1(Basic English for Engineers1)[1340]
1単位 S.ブルック 准教授 [ 教員業績 JP EN ] チェン ウェイニー 非常勤講師
- <学位授与の方針>
◎ | 1. 基礎知識の習得 | | 2. 専門分野知識の習得 | | 3. 汎用的問題解決技能 | | 4. 道徳的態度と社会性 | | 5. 創成能力 |
- <授業のねらい>
- To introduce students to the fundamentals of technical, communicative English.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- No set prerequisites but a thorough review of their high school English courses and 1st and 2nd Quarter English courses will help students prepare for this course.
- <具体的な到達目標>
- Students will develop the skills, vocabulary and expertise necessary to communicate about basic technical subjects in English.
Students will practice all four skills in English and will develop basic skills in discussing topics in small groups, writing short reports, and giving presentations using Powerpoint.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- Week 1 Orientation/Unit 1: Jobs and Work
Week 2 Units 2-3: Exchanging Information and Measurements/Project Planning and Comparisons Week 3 Units 4-5: Checks and Controls/Performance Indicators Week 4 Review Units 1-5 and Test Week 5 Units 6-7: Troubleshooting/Information, Time and Numbers Week 6 Units 8-9: Malfunctions and Rules/Safety Precautions Week 7 Units 10-11: Shapes and Equipment/Testing and Instructions Week 8 Presentations and Test
This class is taught entirely in English.
- <成績評価方法>
- Assessment: Writing Project 10%, Reading Project 10%, Presentations 20%, Tests 40%, Leadership/Homework 20%
- <教科書>
- Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate Student's Book by Vicki Hollet & John Sydes. Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 978-0-19-457458-7
- <参考書>
- Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate Workbook by Vicki Hollet & John Sydes. Oxford University Press.
ISBN: 978-0-19-457460-0
- <オフィスアワー>
- To be advised by your individual teachers.
- <学生へのメッセージ>
- This is a communicative-based Technical English class, so be prepared to be active in all class discussions, group work, and homework tasks.
- <備 考>
- 本授業は演習を行うため履修者を100人(総数)に制限します.本科目が必修科
目あるいは必修科目の読み替えである学生を優先し,次に選択必修科目あるいは 選択必修科目の読み替え,選択科目である学生の順に選抜します.
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