2015年度工学院大学 建築学部建築デザイン学科

Reading Skills in English IIB[5388]

試験情報を見る] [授業を振り返ってのコメント(学内限定)

イム ヘリーン 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2016/01/21

The aim of this reading class is to develop and improve English reading skills. Utilizing the skills learned in Reading Skills in English IA/IB, the students will engage in various mediums: written and non-written materials (movies, art, advertising, music, fashion, technology). The aim is to have the students develop their abilities to decipher and comment, from a critical point of view, on a wide range of topics.

None. However, students should be prepared to communicate in English. The course will be conducted in English.

Students have read true news articles and human interest stories, discussed the contents and answered comprehension questions. Students can discuss what they read and share their feelings and opinions in English.

1 Class reorientation; Unit 4: addressing people (content area: culture)
2 Unit 5: reading 1 and vocabulary activities (content area: psychology)
3 Unit 5: reading 2 and analyzing paragraphs (content area: psychology)
4 News article: Reverse mentoring (content area: technology)
5 Reverse mentoring and stating opinions (content area: technology)
6 Citing reading sources and preparing a bibliography
7 Unit 7: reading 1 and vocabulary activities (content area: business)
8 Unit 7: reading 1 continued, and numerical tables (content area: business)
9 Unit 8: reading 2 and comprehension activities (content area: neuroscience)
10 Unit 9: reading 1 and vocabulary activities (content area: oceanography)
11 Unit 9: reading 2 and metric specifications (content area: oceanography)
12 J.S. Bach’s Saint Matthew Passion (content area: music)
13 J.S. Bach’s Saint Matthew Passion and related topics (content area: music)
14 Final exam (review of readings and vocabulary)
15 Students’ short presentations

* The schedule may change depending on class progress and needs.

Students will be evaluated based on completion of the reading assignments and related homework, attendance, a midterm report, a final exam, and a short presentation.

Inside Reading I (Arline Burgmeier, Oxford University Press) (ISBN 978-0-19-441627-6)

Students should bring a dictionary to class.

By appointment on Fridays. Students should see the instructor after class to schedule an appointment, or contact heleneyim@aol.com.

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