2015年度工学院大学 建築学部建築デザイン学科

イギリス留学準備英語(Basic English Communication for the Special Program of Study in England)[0404]

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カーニー マイケル 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2016/01/21

The aim of the course is to prepare students, regarding English communication skills and cultural systems, for participation in the Hybrid English Program.

Approval by Department.

Students should achieve a level of "survival skills English," which will allow them to communicate with their homestay families and the local people to perform "everyday" tasks.

Week 1 – 2: Students will receive an overview of the course; students will work on greetings and introductions; students will work on providing basic biographic information and understanding basic biographic information provided by others; students will work on discussing family; basic sentence formations; basic wh-questions

Week 3 – 4: Students will be introduced to the cultural practices/lifestyle of life in an English home in comparison to life in a Japanese home (meals, daily diet, sharing space, laundry); students will focus on how to act/behave in a homestay, on helping out your homestay family, daily interaction with your homestay family, manners for the homestay; basic requests; expression of needs; cases of sickness; use of modals in requests for politeness

Week 4 – 5: The students will focus on language formations needed for going through the airport (navigating immigration & customs, etc.) and getting around town; students will focus on asking for and understanding directions; students will do a map study of the Canterbury area; use of trains, buses, taxis; students will study the climate & geography of the area; students will focus on producing and understanding basic wh-questions and responses related to directions

Week 5 – 6: Students will focus on ordering/buying food outside the homestay, communicating with waiters/waitresses while eating out; communication for shopping; students will focus on typical daily interactions they may have about town; public behavior – public manners; newspapers; entertainment; reinforcement of use of modals for politeness

Week 7 – 8: Students will focus on discussing one’s self and others; getting to know English culture; talking about Japan; talking about interests

Week 9 – 10: During the last two weeks, attention will be given to expanding relationships, to having conversations beyond small-talk, to discussing interests in greater depth, discussing ambitions, discussing studies, etc.

Grades will be based on students' oral and aural performance.

No textbook is required; however, a Moleskine, Ruled Notebook,9x14cm is requited.

No reference book is required.

Wednesday - Friday, 12:15-12:55, and by appointment.

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