2015年度工学院大学 建築学部まちづくり学科
△Essay Writing B[5470]
1単位 イム ヘリーン 非常勤講師
- <授業のねらい>
- This course will reinforce the techniques taught in Essay Writing/Academic Writing A.
Students will practice the process of writing academic papers. Paragraph and essay writing will be reviewed. Then students instructed in the following: forming a thesis statement, organizing data, examples and arguments to support the thesis statement, and formulating a concise conclusion.
- <受講にあたっての前提条件>
- None. However, students should be prepared to communicate in English. The course will be conducted in English.
- <具体的な到達目標>
- Students understand the process of writing academic papers. By the end of the semester students understand and have performed writing exercises on forming a thesis statement, organizing data, examples and arguments to support the thesis statement, and formulating a concise conclusion.
- <授業計画及び準備学習>
- 1 Class reorientation; Unit 1: structure of a short essay
2 Unit 1: thesis statement and organization of a short essay 3 Unit 1: simple sentences and longer sentences 4 Unit 1: finishing the essay conclusively 5 Citing sources and preparing a bibliography 6 Unit 2: descriptive details 7 Unit 2: using similes for depth and emphasis 8 Unit 3: organizing time in narrative essays 9 Unit 3: writing about simultaneous activities 10 Unit 4: comparing two places 11 Unit 4: language of comparisons 12 Unit 4: comparing two points of view 13 Unit 5: establishing fact and opinion 14 Unit 5: counter argument, refuting an argument 15 Students’ short presentations
* The schedule may change depending on class progress and needs.
- <成績評価方法>
- Students will be evaluated based on completion of the written assignments from the textbook, attendance, a midterm and final essay, and a short presentation.
- <教科書>
- Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay, Second Edition (Alice Savage and Patricia Mayer, Oxford University Press) (ISBN 978-0-19-432347-5)
- <参考書>
- Students should bring a dictionary to class.
- <オフィスアワー>
- By appointment on Fridays. Students should see the instructor after class to schedule an appointment, or contact heleneyim@aol.com.
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