2015年度工学院大学 建築学部まちづくり学科

Reading Skills in English IIB[3396]

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C.ホーン 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2016/01/21

In the Fall semester of our reading class, we will continue to develop and improve English reading skills.
We will still read and discuss newspaper articles and human interest stories, however, we will endeavor to read more complicated articles than in the Spring semester. Students will be expected to continue reading English readers outside the classroom and to have a high level of motivation in the classroom.

Reading Skills in English IIA preferable

Students have developed their English reading skells. They can read more complicated articles than in the Spring semester. Students will have read English readers.

1.Introductions & expectations
2.Article 1
4.Article 2
6.Article 3
8.Mid semester mini test
9.Article 4
11.Article 5
13.Article 6/discussion
14.Final reading test

Intensive Reading: 20%
Extensive Reading:20%
Final Test:20%

Prints will be provided by the teacher


Please make an appointment with the teacher

As in the Spring semester, the syllabus will be flexible. The class will progress at an appropriate level for the students who take the course. We will continue to work hard but to also enjoy our reading class. I look forward to you continuing to improve your reading skills with me.

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