2014年度工学院大学 建築学部建築デザイン学科

Technology in Society[5B19]

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足立 節子 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2015/02/13

Students will develop a better understanding of the relationship between technology and the human condition.

None. However, students should be prepared to communicate in English. The course will be conducted in English.

Students have a better understanding of the relationship between technology and the human condition historically from prehistoric times till today. They will also explore the future of human-technological intersections.

This course will run as a seminar where the interplay between technological advances and the human condition, both societal and individual, will be deconstructed.
The initial stages of the course, weeks 1 through 6 will be historical: technological developments in ancient cultures and the corresponding paradigm shifts.
For weeks 7 through 12 focus will then turn to the early modern period and advances in science, technology, and cultural systems.
The final segment of the course, weeks 13 through 15 will bring attention to the current stage of human-technological intersections and explore hypotheses for the future.
Students will have to read and write for homework. Instructors will provide written and oral feedback.

Homework(20%), course work(20%), projects/tests(30%) and participation(30%)
Students must achieve 60% or above to earn the credit.



Shinjuku Campus A-2737: Wednesdays & Thursdays lunch time and by appointment.

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