2014年度工学院大学 建築学部建築学科

Essay Writing A[5D06]

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C.ホーン 非常勤講師  
最終更新日 : 2015/02/13

Students will learn the process of writing academic papers. Paragraph and essay writing will be reviewed. Then students instructed in the following: forming a thesis statement, organizing data, examples and arguments to support the thesis statement, and formulating a concise conclusion.

None. However, students should be prepared to communicate in English. The course will be conducted in English.

Students understand the process of writing academic papers. By the end of the semester students understand and have performed writing exercises on forming a thesis statement, organizing data, examples and arguments to support the thesis statement, and formulating a concise conclusion.

This course will begin with a review of paragraph and essay structures. This will be followed by lectures introducing thesis statement formation, data organization, logical argument formation, and deriving conclusions. Students will be given practice in these through workshops.
Students will be reading, researching and writing for homework. Instructors will provide written and oral feedback.

Weeks 1-3 A review of paragraph and essay structures
Weeds 4-5 Introducing thesis statement formation
Weeks 6-7 Referencing
Weeks 8-12 Data organization, logical argument formation, conclusions
Weeks 13-15 Final project

Homework(20%), course work(20%), projects/tests(30%) and participation(30%)

No text is required for this course.


Please make an appointment with the teacher

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