2014年度工学院大学 建築学部建築学科

Essay Writing B[4A14]

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足立 節子 准教授  [ 教員業績  JP  EN ]
最終更新日 : 2015/02/13

This course will reinforce the techniques taught in Essay Writing A.Students will learn research techniques, paraphrasing, quoting, referencing, writing bibliographies and works cited, and writing abstracts. Students will produce a term paper.

Students need to have taken Essay Writing A. If not please consult with the instructor. The course will be instructed in English.

Students are able to write a short academic paper.

This course will operate as a workshop where students will write, under the supervision of the instructor, a term paper.
Weeks 1-3 A review of essay structures
Weeds 4-5 A review on thesis statement formation
Weeks 6-7 Paraphrasing, quoting, referencing
Weeks 8-9 Abstract
Weeks 10-12 Workshop
Weeks 13-15 Final project

Homework(20%), course work(20%), projects/tests(30%) and participation(30%)
Students must achieve 60% or above to earn the credit.

No text is required for this course.


Shinjuku Campus A-2737: Wednesdays & Thursdays lunch time and by appointment.

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